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"Beeline" announced the results of the development of networks in the Moscow region for the I quarter of 2013

The mobile operator "Beeline" announced the results of its own communication network in the Moscow region for the first 3 months of this year:

In the first quarter of 2013 continued the intensive construction of new base stations. From the beginning, BS 3G in the Moscow region has increased by more than 13%. In the suburbs has increased significantly 3G-coverage due to the use of radio frequencies in the range of UMTS900. At present, 20% of the territory is covered in this standard, in the second quarter of 2013 UMTS900 coverage will be increased by half.

In parallel, high rates continue to work on upgrading the transport network. At present, almost 80% of the base stations in the region are connected to high-speed channels, each of the BS supports HSPA +. The project allowed the data rate in the capital in 2013 increased by 20%.

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