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Windows Phone 8 GDR3 to bring support for more tiles?

According to Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft is going to solve the issue of wasted space on bigger displays, but essentially, filling them up – with more tiles that is. The rumour is that there will be support for a third column of medium sized tiles. Windows Phone Daily made the mockup you see above, and I actually quite like it. At first, I thought maybe it was too cluttered, but now, I think it works, especially since we have heard that WP8 will have bigger and better displays.

I recently had the discussion on twitter that MS may soon run out of UI/UX innovation, but hopefully this is the least exciting change they make. I’d love to have those 3/4 tiles – both landscape and portrait and the folder implementation. Oh, and of course, our very own Peter Lackman’s concept of “Hyperspace” notifications.

So my last addition is, is more better?


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