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Install the application KuponGid and one of the Samsung Galaxy S4 yours!

To take part in the competition:
  1. Download KuponGid the mobile device.
  2. Leave feedback when Google Play,
  3. Tell your friends about this event and add the supporting link to your review on the project website.
Promo for owners of Android - Special offer!
KuponGid. Review of applications for Android
KuponGid ─ is a mobile guide to promotional offers in your city.
It collects prices from 140 Russian cities, including Moscow, St. ─ Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Samara and Nizhny Novgorod. In addition KuponGid will be useful to residents 7 more countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Moldova. This universal mobile bid that accumulates information as a two hundred resources, instead of one.
How does it work?
The user can easily navigate in such abundance information was developed user-friendly interface. All proposals are divided into thematic categories and headings, all them over a hundred. Therefore, the user is not difficult for a few seconds to find the right ad.
In this case, the screen will not show, which will most likely rejected because of its geolocation. This is very convenient because it saves time in finding and does not create unnecessary "noise in the air."
Even when viewing a filtered list of user gets basic information about promotional offers:
  • symbolic representation;
  • the discount rate and the actual cost;
  • a brief description;
  • the name of the resource that provides the information and physical address;
  • time counter stocks.
What is more interesting and useful?
  • Use the keyword and the search box to quickly get the information you need.
  • Section "Favourites" will help to keep in the same place your favorite suggestions that they can not lose and come back later.
  • Reviews provide additional information that could not pass up an advertiser. You can also leave your comments with tips for other users of the application.
  • Integration with social networks Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, allows you to quickly share with valuable finds with subscribers to your page.
  • KuponGid ─ a mobile application aggregator that collects 3,000 coupons daily and has a convenient user interface.
Video review of the application:

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