Canon IXUS 700 vs Nokia N73 vs Nokia N95
A member over at mobile01's forum posted lots of comparison cam pics between the Canon IXUS 700, Nokia N73 and N95. The Canon is a 7 mega pixel camera, N73 has a 3 mega pixel cam and the N95 has a 5 mega pixel camera. The posted of the pics didn't express his opinion on the pics. The first pic is the Canon, second pic is the N73 and the third is the N95. There is no doubt that the Canon wins here. The N95 comes in second and N73 last. The N73 has one awful purple hue (alot worse than the N95). The N95 has barely any hue and produced good pics. Too bad Sony Ericsson's K800 or K810 wasn't included in this comparison.

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