Saturday, March 1 2025

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Instructions on flashing your Sony Ericsson M600 to W950

Yesterday Engadget posted about morphing your Sony Ericsson M600 to W950 with reference to my site. Jason posted in the comments instructions on how to do it through Setool2 (flashing software). Here are the instructions:

1. want a walkman player in your m600 ? you can do it with setool

2.okay, what we need:1. zip archiver (winzip or pkzipc or smth)2. w950 and m600 firmwares from support

3. create directory , well, "cnv"
make inside 3 folders: m600, w950, m950 ( )
unzip firmwares into corresponding folders.

4. now, "the trick"copy next files from w950 folder into m950 folder:

R6A13_CDA162014_1_ACPU_NI_Generic_World1.armsoftwa re
R6A13_CDA162014_1_ACPU_NI_ROFS2_Generic_World1.arm software

copy next files from m600 folder into m950 folder:

633_91_R27A03_CDA162011_1_CCPU_LL_NoSIMLock_Generi c_World1.gdfs
R6A03_CXC162098_CCPU_fs_LL_NI_Red_CID49_Respin.sof tware ftware

finally, zip m950 folder with winzip or other archiver.

5. flash resulted archive. if you want, check "process pda update files", that is NOT neccessary.

6. say thx to sony ericsson.

Thank you Jason for the instructions and good luck to all who try this.


  1. I cant fine the firmwairs did any one found if u did can u plz email me the link (

  2. how can we download firmwares from support?i logged on to the website only to find the update service software.
    further, have you come across experiments such as P990 to W950?

  3. Please tell oss where we can find the flash files for m600i and w950i


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