Saturday, March 15 2025

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Review of GSM-communicator HTC Touch part 2

Here is part 2 of mobile-review's review of the HTC Touch. Part two focuses on TouchFLO.
Here is part one in case you missed it. Like all mobile-review reviews, they are very long and in depth. Make sure you have some free time before starting to read. Here is the conclusion of the review.

Market outlook

The device starts shipping late in June for 655 USD. The Touch clad in black will be more widely spread, while the white and green editions will be produced in smaller volumes. Again, we accent your attention on the fact that despite the grand advertising campaign, HTC is not setting off to make it vastly popular. Although even now, judging by some sources, the HTC Touch has really got the distributors interested and many markets will not experience shortage of it for sure.

For HTC it is the proving ground, where it gives new technologies a go, watches how all its new ideas and positioning models work. And being a company which spent most of the time making ODM products and swimming in the waters of the enterprise market, this approach is more than legitimate. Sluggishness in getting into new segments is nothing to be ashamed of.

If the announced price settles on the price tags, this model will not be highly demanded, after all HTC brand has neither reputed nor time-proven feel to it in the segment the HTC Touch targets. But when it falls down to 450-550 USD, the model might become appealing to a very broad audience, extending WM’s presence on the market.


The device does well on the reception front, standing up to the competition. Both the earpiece and the loudspeaker produce more than sufficient volume, which is decidedly a great thing, since even in call-unfriendly environments you will be able to adjust the volume bar to the level when both ends are satisfied with call quality.

All up, this model has quite odd design, which will appeal to some outright, though will put the rest off. The device targets neither men nor women in particular, being a typical unisex offering. But here is an essential detail – think of it, a Windows Mobile-communicator that can get women interested. So far, the Qtek 8500 (HTC StarTrek platform) has been the only model with this ability. This is the spur that the HTC Touch can bring into the stagnant and draw people barely familiar with Windows Mobile.

It would be hasty to say that the model will make it to the top of the charts, yet will some effort on HTC’s side, this wouldn’t be a big surprise. The HTC Touch is an interesting and quaint product that occupies a separate niche within HTC’s range and stands out against the backdrop of the existing solutions. This offering will definitely find an own audience, the question is, whether it will be an army of followers or a mere group.

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