Sony Ericsson HBH DS-200 review

Mobile-review have posted an in depth review of Sony Ericsson's new DS-200 bluetooth headset. I really like the small size of this headset. The review is currently only available in Russian so I used babelfish to tranlsate it for your pleasure.
Survey stereo Bluetooth- sets Sony Ericsson HBH Ds-200/220
Delivery set:
- The charger
- Head sets Hpm-64 for Ds-200 and Hpm-75 for Ds-220
- Instruction
- Nozzles to the head sets
Not I will tire you by long entrance, immediately I will switch over to the matter. Thus, were announced two wireless sets - this Ds-200 and Ds-220, they, in the essence, were identical, they are characterized by only color and delivery set. But, nevertheless, there is deeper difference - the first of set in the design more greatly approaches smartfonam of company (P1, for example), the second is intended for aggressive- musical Walkman and other apparatuses of black color. It is not thus far understandable, there will be the difference in the price between these sets, it is completely possible that 220-4 model will cost only more expensive, but you so can connect any head sets, it does be worthwhile to overpay for this?
Design, the construction
Design Ds-200 is interesting, it pereklikayetsya with another production Sony, for example, with sport pleyerami of a 200-oy series, by panels DU from D -pleerov - on the whole, A -l4 knob. Exterior view is uncommon, not to what it is similar, in the gadzhetomanskikh hearts is caused the completely predictable positive response. Aluminum almost no one here only recognizes for aluminum - practically all interrogated, yes even 4 itself, assumed silvery parts for the plastic (maximum - plastic with the spraying). However, picking by scissors showed that this and the truth is metal. Alas, here was explained one additional moment: 4 to you extremely I do not recommend to bear to set in one pocket with any other iron objects (trifle, cigarette lighters, keys so forth.) - coating easily scratches. Metal is similar to that, which is used in the cameras of company, for example, in my T3 was similar, for the pair of the years of use it was wiped so that is simple nightmare. Plastic is used good, qualitative, generally, assembling extremely neplokha, everything very plotnen'ko. The joint for the head sets is located on the upper end, it is standard, you can connect your head sets (microphone it is build it the block). Joint for the charging from below is located, this upolovinennyy Fast Port. Nearer to the head sets are located the keys for control, small display. There is sufficiently powerful "crocodile" for the fastening to the clothing on the back of housing. Set it appears well both in the black and in the silvery color, to select stands, you use on the basis of what apparatus, and what head sets you more greatly please themselves.
Method of the carrying
To write here separately something, bear to set you can as conveniently - can hitch to the jacket, the jacket, the football shirt, can simply assume into the pocket. If Ds-220 is fastened to the pocket of jacket, then you can relatively quietly speak and then, but it is best to present microphone more closely to the mouth. Device on the order of 13 grams weighs, pocket practically does not draw off. It is not very healthy, that there is no "ear whatever" for fastening of neck belt, it extremely proved useful.
Since this product is considered budgetary (although this is clean conditionality), key control here not so is much. Next to the display is located multifunctional key (priyem/otboy of call, the collection of last number, the activation of vocal collection), on the end is small pimpochka of vklyucheniya/vyklyucheniya and button Play/Stop. The keys for rewinding, volume control there is no. In general, is small the loss, although it is not very healthy to obtain telephone from the bag for this reason making of potishe. Display, as it seems me, is closed with some strange material, is not understandable, the this magnifying lens, then whether the same plastic. Appears indicator interestingly and asketichno. The information, which can be seen on it, this state of the charge of battery and the small mark, which confirms start. As soon as one division (entire their three), on the indicator remains, you hear in the head sets melodious trill - it is time to recharge to set.
Nourishment, the operating time
As in practice always, in the open access it is extremely heavy to find information about the type and capacities of the storage battery used, that it will in no way prevent us from learning, how much set works in practice. Only, to me were encountered the references about Ni- Myu element of the type AAA - it can be, this and so, there is nothing strange in this (by this into some of degree it is explained and the low price of device). How I understand, in my hands there was the already final model of device, moreover, already with the "swung" storage battery, so that according to the data, which I will give, it is possible to judge how povedet itself ds-200 under the conditions, approximating combat. Yes, the declared operating time in the regime of razgovora/proslushivaniya of music composes 7 it is hour, in the standby mode it works order 300 it is hour. In practice of set works maximum complete light day with the strong load (on the order of four and one-half it is hour hearing music, one-and-a-half hours of the conversation in all), is then necessary charging. Tested 4 it in the tandem with Sony Ericsson P990, in general, boldly I can say that there are no differences on the operating time from SE HBH Ds-970 practically perhaps barely longer. For many this will be negative factor, I know not one person, who forewent the the 9"0-oy precisely for this reason. There remains only to hope that the operating time will change up to the onset in sale, but hope this extremely weak - indeed it will necessary replace battery, and this can affect the price. On the whole, even if there is in Ds-200 something poor, then this operating time.
Connection with the telephone, acoustic fidelity
To set I tested from SE P990, Motorola KRZR K3, Samsung F300, noutbukom. With the "native" smartfonom during the joining was not required the password, generally, procedure was simple to the disgrace. With the remaining apparatuses password (0000) proved to be necessary, device enters into the regime of joining traditionally on pressure and retention of the key for start. At this time on the display is visible characteristic ikonka. Connection is reliable, is shown the presence of profile Bluetooth 2.0. It me seemed even more reliable than in the case with Ds-970, with which periodically the connection was lost, when telephone was in the bag, which hangs on right arm, and set it lay at the left pocket of jacket. Similar no with Ds-200. Acoustic fidelity in the head sets good, as you understand, joint 3.5 mm makes it possible to connect its dear "ears" and to obtain pleasure; well and, of course, it strongly depends on source - better acoustic fidelity would be in the tandem noutbukom, in the second place for 4 it would place F300, well and directly after it nose to the nose go K3 and P990. the adjustment of sound and switching compositions occur from the keys there is no "peripheral" device, delays with control (they are practically imperceptible), with the entering of call the bell, established on the telephone, it is lost into the head sets. Interesting moment: set it works during the charging, you can use all its functions (how I remember, Ds-970 similar make it cannot).
Complete head sets - this already familiar to us basovitye Hpm-64 from complete set SonyEricsson W200, they sound rather well, but to me they do not approach according to the size, ears begin to be ill. Strictly, one additional difference Ds-220 - is this assembly by head sets Hpm-75, they are more convenient. It tested to set 4 precisely with them.
Microphone is located next to the joint for the head sets, you can see the opening in the housing closed with mesh. The quality of voice transmission very good, by an order is better than in 9"0-oy. Collocutors noted light echo by time, but even next to any noisy things or places collocutors me heard well, they did not understand that I speak not on the telephone. Characteristic experiment - conversation next to the working vacuum cleaner - passed sufficiently smoothly. As it seems me, here there is DSP, otherwise conversation would be not so cloudless. After the prolonged use Ds-970 the difference is enormous, immediately disappeared the complex, when with that connected set I talked on the set. Yes, with the entering of call the playback of music arises to the pause and is renewed automatically after its end, this is correct for P990i, K3, it was necessary to start playback by hand with F300.
Noutbukom everything is so cloudless, connection composed no problems, well and then it is possible to make much entire interesting - to listen to the Internet- radio (4, for example, constantly I listen to, to talk on Skype, is simple to listen to music. In parallel it is possible to connect to set telephone and to assume bells. Useful accessories are these sets, not truth whether?
Somewhat about the conversation - to me was extremely pleased loudness and working voice by device, everything very and very well with this. Adequately works the collection of last number, switching between the lines, the activation of vocal collection.
Let us total, only previously 4 to you I will open the pair of the interesting secrets, which, however, and not secrets entirely. In sale of set it will appear during September, wholesale price will compose order 40 Euro-. As you understand, salesmen will for sure wind prices, but completely it is possible to calculate which already in autumn purchase Ds-200/ds-220 it will be possible to for one-and-a-half - two thousand rubles. It is completely possible that after Ds-220 they will request rubles to 300 more, although 4 would recommend to purchase Ds-200 and to complete by its head sets. In any event, the price is very good. Now let us look to pluses:
- Successful design
- Metal in the housing
- Joint 3.5 on the set
- the JK- display
- Very good quality of the speech transmission
- Reliability of the connection
I note that for the budgetary product, such as they consider it to set in the company, this all is very uncharacteristic, some other companies completely could position device as topovoye (in connection with aksessuarike, certainly).
Minuses are such:
- Very for long it does not work (it is sufficient, in the essence, on the day)
- There are no keys for rewinding, volume control
- There is no ear for fastening of the belt
- Most essential minus - this operating time, rest in no way interfere in the daily activity.
Competitors in Ds-200/220 be absent, unless will be lowered price to Motorola S705 and Nokia Bh-500. although these two sets are more expensive, 200-4 - much that more balanced and, most importantly, accessible product.
Small lyric retreat. It is completely possible that in autumn we will see one more to stereo-set from SonyEricsson, which will combine in itself merit and Ds-200, and Ds-970, i.e., this will be topovyy product with the large JK- display, support Album Art, all necessary keys for control, DSP. is not confident about joint 3.5, it is completely possible that by the construction this device will resemble Ds-970. on the whole, will be interesting.
Technical characteristics:
- Profile Bluetooth: 2.0
- Are supported profiles Headset, Handsfree, A2DP, AVRCP
- Weight: about 14 grams
- Operating time in the regime razgovora/audio: 7 it is hour
- Operating time in the standby mode: 300 it is hour
- Time of the complete charging: about 1 hour
I totally agree with you. I found the downside dissappointing the fact that I can't forward or rewind (skip) song is frustrating However I found that you can adjust sound by pressing andholding down the play/stop key but this is still quite fidley and you don't have good control of it. Also the stop button doesn't actually stop the song instead just pauses it so you still have to go to device to properly stop it or play/pause is still on going and may chew battery life. If there is a way to stop a song completely could someone email me back thanx..(