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Sony Ericsson K850 spotted for sale!

My prayers have been answered...well almost. Unfortunately this baby is being sold at a Polish auction site and only people there can buy this K850. It's a probably a prototype and I would still buy it nonetheless (anyone who can get me one, feel free to contact me). It's also the blue/silver version that I want...*SIGH*


  1. i've seen the auction and the model is indeed the prototype ver. from what it says it was used for tests. it has no battery because they've used it with some kind of service cable, but the seller writes that he gives a battery that works with the phone but is a little too large for it and the back part doesnt fully close. he says that the original battery will be avalible in the 4th part of the year. the price is 2299zloty which is about 580 euro. if someone wants some more details write to me

  2. Hi! Thanks for the info/translation. Does it say that the phone fully functions?


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