Sony Ericsson PDA Smartphones Security Bypassing Mod
What is it?
PDA internal software modification that gives you unlimited rights on your system like:
-Unsigned java midlets permission change
-Unsigned SIS packages installation with ANY capability including DRM and TCB
-Protected\unprotected SIS packages installation w/o cert or signature.
Why You need it?
-To allow your favorite java applications (like Jimm or OperaMini etc.) ta access Network services and\or Lockal Filesystem without confirmation requests.
-To allow your filemanager to see all hidden files
-Write own applications witout security limitations.
How much?
The ModPack avaiable in Software Update service (davicnciteam) and costs 20 cr.
PDA internal software modification that gives you unlimited rights on your system like:
-Unsigned java midlets permission change
-Unsigned SIS packages installation with ANY capability including DRM and TCB
-Protected\unprotected SIS packages installation w/o cert or signature.
Why You need it?
-To allow your favorite java applications (like Jimm or OperaMini etc.) ta access Network services and\or Lockal Filesystem without confirmation requests.
-To allow your filemanager to see all hidden files
-Write own applications witout security limitations.
How much?
The ModPack avaiable in Software Update service (davicnciteam) and costs 20 cr.
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