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Sony Ericsson W580i review

Finally a review on the Sony Ericsson W580i. This excellent review is done by no other than Eldar from mobile-review but it is in Russian (no English yet). If you are impatient like me then go right ahead and read the translated review. Enjoy! Don't forget to check out the review for there are tons of pics and videos there.

Survey GSM- telephone Sony Ericsson W580i
Photographs Sony Ericsson W580i in the interior.

Positioning in the rule of the company
Design, size, the control elements
Storage battery
Transmission of the data
Memory, the map of the memory
Movement transducer
The luminous effects

Delivery set:
Storage battery
Map Of the memory M2 of 512 Mb.
Wire of stereo-set Hpm-70
The charger

Positioning in the rule of the company

Model Sony Ericsson W580i relates to the apparatuses of rule Walkman, but in this case it is oriented to the youth segment, on those, who conduct the active means of life or simply listens to music and much associates. Model originally was created as youth proposal, producer tried to avoid intersection with other apparatuses in his rule. Came out its kind the tandem - from one side Sony Ericsson S500i, which has a lower cost less the functionality (there is no pedometer, number of games, applications), but it is equipped with emotional themes. From other side in the upper part of the rule we see model Sony Ericsson W850i, which coincides in the form factor with Sony Ericsson W580i and also it relates to rule Walkman.

Interesting situation is obtained, technically model coincides in many respects with Sony Ericsson W710i, plus approximately, the same positioning to the purposeful audience. At the same time precisely output Sony Ericsson W580i was capable to destroy brittle balance in the product rule of company, indeed intersection on the prices would be noticeable.

Give let us look to the functionality of the solutions and their cost in order then to estimate the potential of these solutions.

Similarity in the fundamental technical characteristics not by chance, models are tightly interconnected and due to a number of differences could be positioned otherwise, this basic difference became form factor, plus the presence or the absence of pedometer. Give let us glance at these apparatuses at another angle in order to estimate the potential of today's model.

From our examination somewhat fell out model Sony Ericsson Z710i, which was paired to Sony Ericsson W710i, the same bond in principle demonstrates Sony Ericsson S500i/W580i. But in strategy of company insignificant change occurred, occurred the displacement of price segments on 45-60 Euro- upward. I.e., if with year previously model Sony Ericsson Z710i began its sales with 220 Euro-, then model Sony Ericsson S500i in this year already with 275 Euro-. Reason not only in the change of form factor, this is side-line result and only. Company swiftly transfers a number of products into the higher price segments, makes with their bonus (let us recall, output Sony Ericsson T650). Similar strategy is characteristic for Nokia, Motorola, but not for Samsung, the latter adhered to its originally and potential of increase is practically exhausted.

What conclusions can be drawn from the given table? If we continue it, then in place Sony Ericsson W850i wonderfully arises this model as Sony Ericsson W910i, it is amazing, but its cost also begins from 450 Euro- from the moment sales. It is clearly evidently, as company it departs to the upper price segment.

It is not necessary to be to seven spans in the forehead in order on the basis of the given tables to make a price forecast to the described apparatus. Quarterly reduction in the price will be approximate in the region of 5-6 percent, which at the end of life cycle will give cost at the level of 250 Euro-.

Competitors inside a product number for Sony Ericsson W580i becomes elder model - Sony Ericsson W850i. If the presence of pedometer not principally, then the acquisition of this apparatus opravdanno at the end of its life cycle, i.e., during August or September of 2007. Company, understanding this is cleared place for the new products, derives old from the market.

Design, size, the control elements

Model, according to the designers of company, is executed in the urban style, this is is one additional hint to the purposeful audience. Apparatus is produced in two color solutions - white and steel (Style White, Urban Grey). Both solutions appear pleasantly, the white color, by no means female and wonderfully approaching and to men, although the latter among the buyers of this version it will be less.

Size of telephone - 99khya"khyya mm, the weight of 94 grams. Apparatus is sufficiently miniature in order to bear it as to you conveniently. From the uncommon findings it is worthwhile to note slant on the front, this continuation of the bend of housing. The apparatus is separated on the basis of this parameter and appears uncommonly, is also uncommon silhouette from behind.

The quality of plastic is good, it lusterless with the sparklets. The side members of the apparatus are executed in the black color. Due to the bend of the lower part of the housing joint Fast Port they transferred to the right side, here it completely is entered, and with the connection sets there are no special problems. From other side, if someone bears telephone not in the jacket, but in jeans as your obedient servant, then taking out him for the wire, you constantly disconnect to set, this annoying omission.

Microphone was placed on the lower end of apparatus, here there is an opening for fastening of belt. They placed slot for the map of memory in the upper end, it was covered by silencer. The here embedded key for vklyucheniya/vyklyucheniya, its random pressure it is practically impossible. On the left side also there is the coupled key for volume control.

The mechanism of the disclosure of apparatus works well, automatic finishing is present. There is no separate support for the finger, its role plays the coming out navigational unit. At the same time finger so aims to be rested into the display.


Display reflects to 262000 it is color with the permission of 2ya0khe20 of points (diagonal of 2 inches, TFT). This makes it possible to show on the screen to 8 lines of text and to three official lines for the majority of regimes; for the survey of Internet- resources, with the work with the electronic mail, with the communications is possible the mapping and the larger number of lines due to the smaller size of type.

Analogous with other models of company the specular base layer, which increases the readability of screen in the sun, adapts, picture remains visible. Screen is characterized by the increased clearness and contrast, carrying out the comparison of matrix with the same in Samsung U600, we focused attention only in only smaller diagonal, and here are colors and the saturation of paints they were better in Sony Ericsson W580i.


The unit of functional keys is traditional for the company, button Walkman is located on the front panel, it does not play the role of musical key as on the previous models (there is no beginning of reproduction and its end), only call of the interface of pleyera. Button Activity Menu is located to the right. In contrast to the products on the platform A2 are here preserved the keys for recovery, also, (there is no support Nokia UI). Navigation key in style Walkman, it relatively rigid, is comfortable, but comparison with the same on S500i loses, there everything are made somewhat more convenient.

Digital keys from the plastic, are located by horizontal numbers. Work with the keyboard causes no problems, it is conveniently use. Between the buttons as the element of decor are located the inserts, as the caps of gvozdikov. This looks uncommonly, it pleases itself majority and is not caused rejection.

The illumination of the keys for white color, it is well visible under varied conditions.

Storage battery

Rear cover does not have a gap, it is easy to open it. Inside are placed lithium- polymeric battery, its capacity - 900 mAch. On the statement of producer, the time of the work of apparatus in the standby mode comprises to 350 it is hour, in the regime of conversation - to 9 it is hour. Under the conditions of Moscow networks the apparatus worked on the average two and one-half of day with the moderate load (to the hour of conversations, about 30 minutes of games, 20 minutes of the use of a browser). Large load means that for you it is necessary to recharge apparatus daily. The at the same time entirely small number of conversations means that the telephone can work to 3-4 days, but this improbable scenario. In the European networks the operating time will be above, as the minimum two times in all regimes, as a result of the best coating of networks. The time of the playback of music comprises to 16 it is hour.

Transmission of the data


You in the forced order must select with USB- connection, will be achieved access to the files on the map of memory, this is the regime of the transmission of data, or work with the telephone will be continued, or is included regime Print (press photographs). In the first case the telephone is disconnected, you see the map of memory and the memory of telephone. In spite of the declared support USB 2.0, the speed of transmission of data does not exceed 500 Kb/s. In the second case be present different tuning USB for the realization of the access into the network, telephone comes out as the modem.


Bluetooth in this model of version 2 it supports EDR, in the menu it is possible to advance the regime of the increased energy-economy. Is supported profile A2DP, which makes it possible to use wireless stereo-heads set. Model supports the following profiles:

Basic Imaging Profile;
Basic Printing Profile;
Dial-Up Networking Profile;
File Transfer Profile;
Generic Access Profile;
Generic Object Exchange Profile;
Handsfree Profile;
Headset Profile;
Jsr-82 Java API;
Object Push Profile;
Personal Area Network Profile;
Serial Port Profile;
Service Discovery Application Profile;
Synchronization Profile;
SyncML OBEX Binding;

Memory, the map of the memory

Telephone is of the order 18 mb. of the memory of the accessible to user, into complete set also enters the map M2 with a volume of 512 mb.. Is supported the "hot" replacement of the maps of memory, the maximum volume of maps is 2 Gb.


Typical productivity for the last generation of the devices of company, positively is differed from the majority of the models, represented on the market. The poor resolution of screen, relative to elder models, positively affected the productivity, interface the extremely rapid of limitations to size of there is no file, size HEAP - from 512 KB to 1.5 mb..

Movement transducer

Company plans to actively use movement transducers for adding different functionality to its products, for example, in Sony Ericsson K850i the sensor determines the arrangement of telephone and automatically changes the orientation of screen. In this model the producer decided as in Sony Ericsson W710i to be concentrated on sport component. Base version practically completely corresponds to the same in Sony Ericsson W710i

Are proposed two modes of operation - Khod'b and Beg. you can advance distance, and also time, limit upper and lower velocity limit. In the personal tuning is indicated your age, sex, weight and increase, which makes it possible to calculate the expenditure of calories. On the screen with the run or walking is represented all basic information, somehow: time since the beginning of the exercise, distance, passed by you, speed; it is possible to be switched between the screens and to see the expenditure of calories, the mean transit time of circle, to begin the new circle of measurements. Tuning are sufficient for the usual person, they will not seem athlete by so interesting. The fine adjustment of telephone under you appears by unique regime. Knowing the distance of racing circle, you can dispose apparatus on it, after nursing. The subsequent measurements then will be characterized by larger accuracy.

It is interesting that the measurement of the number of steps occurs constantly during the day (it is possible to open), on the screen the corresponding number is mapped into the standby mode. These data automatically are reduced to zero in midnight, and calculation begins first.

From the interesting possibilities it is worthwhile to note the retention of results into the text file, which can be then sent to other devices or on the electronic mail.

To the basic change it is worthwhile to carry the appearance of a program of personal trainer, which makes the process of trainings more interesting. Program is the superstructure above the standard function of pedometer and analyzes data obtained in it. You can examine entire statistics about your trainings, total time, number of trainings, burnt calories and passed distances. Program issues to you automatically medals for different achievements, the collection of medals it is great, this in some sense sets as a goal and makes more captivatingly. In the graphic form it is possible to examine the results of trainings, this is also clearly.

As the entertaining option is present its kind the quiz - here it is possible to answer questions about the sport, or it is simple to read a little entertaining facts.

At the given moment competition to this program they can compose the analogous diaries of trainings from Nokia, but they are oriented to the products supplied with GPS- receiver, they have the heavy expense of energy in the regime of training. The same solution is not bad by the quality of measurements and the possibilities of analysis.

If you plan to be trained with the aid of this telephone, then one should consider that into complete set does not enter the belt to the hand, such as it were packed into Sony Ericsson W710i; also head sets are usual, not sport type. It is necessary to buy in addition separately these accessories (as yet there is no firm belt).

Sensor also is used for the random reproduction of compositions in pleyere, function was called name Shake Me, it suffices to shake telephone and composition in pleyere randomly to be switched, this is also made for those, who deal with sport.

The luminous effects

Company Sony Ericsson began to move to the side of luminous effects even in model Sony Ericsson W850i, in apparatus W580i was made one additional logical step forward. In the measuring jaws there are the built-in light-emitting diodes, which can give different combinations from the luminous effects. They differ both in the color of illumination and according to the diagram of its work. In the opened state it appears this more interesting, but it is completely evidently with the closed apparatus. Analogously changes the illumination of facial keys. To select or to dispose such effects it is not possible, to only use those predetermined. Taking into account that them it is exact 22, selection remains great, always something can be selected to its taste. Plus remains the possibility to appoint its color effect to subscriber in the telephone book.


In the telephone are established 2-megapiksel'naya camera, matrix - CMOS. There is no auto-focus. Apparatus supports three possible permissions - y'e2khy22ya, y280kh9'0, 'ya0khya80 of points. Is two types of the compression of photographs - Normal, Fine. The majorities of photographs in examples are given as Fine. Difference in the size of photographs with the maximum permission - approximately two times. Thus, photograph in regime Normal occupies about 300 KB, in regime Fine - order 500-600 KB. The time of the retention of photographs is equal in both cases, this of 1-2 seconds, that extremely good with this size of file. If we attempt ourselves to make a series of photographs the contract (not regime Burst, but simple to photograph one time after another), then you will see the small retarding of recording speed (to 3-4 seconds). On the subjective sensations the buffer of apparatus is calculated on 2 mb. of memory.

Tuning camera appear as follows:

- Sound of lock. Selection of one of three is sonic lock, cannot be opened sound.
- Balance of white. Selection between the automatic regime, and also Incandescent, Fluorescent, Daylight, Cloudy.
- Effects. To the photographs it is possible to apply several effects, namely: Negative, Solarize, Sepia, Black & White.
- Timer - is activated to the specific time for the survey itself loved.
- Night regime is intended for the survey at night or under the conditions for insufficient illumination. Rises noise in the photographs, endurance (it is not possible to move apparatus, you will otherwise obtain the greased photograph) increases.
- Regime of survey. Normal mode - this is obtaining usual photographs. Series regime (Burst 4) - obtaining immediately 4 photographs, series. Panorama - obtaining panoramic photographs, very interesting regime, which makes it possible to obtain uncommon photographs, there are no analogs at the given moment. Last regime - obtaining photographs with the use of the framework, automatically decreases the permission of photograph.

In the regime of survey the screen of telephone plays the role of viewfinder, the displacement of picture on the screen smooth, entire is evidently very good. It is possible to rapidly switch different functions and parameters of survey by digital keys, this considerably accelerates work with the camera.

Video can be written in two permissions (y"'khyyaya, y28kh9'), size is file - 3GP. the duration of rollers can be indicated as limited (to 10 seconds) and not limited. The quality of rollers for the contemporary apparatus is maintained no criticism, this weakest place in all products from Sony Ericsson.


The interface of model is well familiar on the apparatuses from Sony Ericsson, main menu is collection of 12 ikonok. Rapid navigation with the aid of the digital sequences is present. The labels of rapid access can be created to the majority of the points of the menu, predetermined by producer, but not to its applications or files.

Convenience in the introduction remained at the previous level. Thus, after harvesting to the key #, you cause the list of accessible languages and can easily be switched between them in the process of collection.

Producer, besides the traditional vertical points of menu, provided horizontal subject layings. For example, in the list of calls, which is opened on the pressure on the key for the promise of call, you can look not only the last collected numbers, but immediately (horizontal pressures of joystick) be switched to the layings with the last passed, obtained bells. In the menu of telephone a similar navigation adapts in all possible places, it strongly facilitates contact with the telephone. I will note that similar horizontal panels exist in the telephone book, a menu of tuning, a number of other menu.

Activity Menu Consists of four layings. On first three are reflected the events, somehow: the passed bells, reminding, communication; this, strictly, the first laying. It is possible to abolish for such events use Activity Menu, in this case the floating up windows with the warning for each type of events will appear. The third laying - is your labels, you establish them independently. The fourth laying - this of reference to the most frequently utilized resources, here in the first place proudly stands in beauty search from Google.

The second laying is most interesting, this is the list of the neglected, carried out applications. User can start to eight Java- applications (there are no real limitations) and be switched between them. This is very useful, if you use IccQ- such mobile client, who must constantly be located in the network, but at the same time you want to play into the game, written on Java. The analogous apparatuses of other producers not were announced at the given moment.

Themes, the elements of the formulation

In contrast to S500i this model is not positioned as emotional, but all elements inherent in such apparatuses be present. Thus, in the apparatus of 5 different themes, they are built with the use Flesch, change the form of main menu and its organization. Themes very interesting, with the navigation are vibroeffekty, in the standby mode in some themes the arrangement of the windows of those deriving information about the current compositions changes. Briefly model on the themes is very good.

A number of the Videotons of those prepared by producer is another aspect, these are the simple melodies, combined with the simple drawing, it is possible to use them as the bells. To this moment of similar not had other producers, in the same the direction dvizhetsya and Nokia, but thus far it did not propose the predetermined tones.

Telephone book
The record of 1000 names with the completely filled fields is supported, but limitation to the number of telephones is equal to 2500. I.e., in spite of record to 5 telephone numbers to the name, to exceed 2500 numbers in all is impossible. This it is sufficient even for the most active users, in unit volumes of the regular book exceeds 500 names.

For one name in the memory of telephone it is possible to preserve several numbers, the address of electronic mail, number IT, other contact information. In the tuning you have the capability to select the necessary fields, precisely, they will be reflected with the filling. Is sorting on the fields, in particular, on the surname and the name, but field for the introduction only one. In contrast to the previous models, the sorting dynamic and acts immediately, apparatus reconstructs the idea of list.

For the separate names you can indicate the personal signal of bell, appoint your picture. With the entering bell in that case will play its melody, reflected the selected image. Field the date of generation can be synchronized with organayzerom, in this case the interval of warning about the event is established.

With information input you are moved between the layings, on the first are accomplished the introduction of the numbers of telephones, their distribution according to the types. In by something the organization of introduction with the layings resembles the same in Outlook, this is convenient. There is introduction of vocal markers for the separate numbers, recorded for the name, all in all it can be to 40. Vocal collection remained unchanged, it already begins to appear archaicly against the background of the introduction of systems with the independent recognition of voice.

In the company they traditionally consider that SIM- map and her memory can be used by an owner in the limiting cases, but not for storing a constant information. To examine data on the map is possible from the separate menu, in the common list they are not reflected.

There is the possibility to create the archive copy of all card recordings of memory and to restore them subsequently on the apparatus.

The groups of subscribers are necessary only for the mass distribution of communications or white list of bells, to appoint its picture or melody for the separate group is impossible.

Any video can be used as the bell for the subscriber of the telephone book. Also it is possible to select for subscriber one of the luminous effects.

All possibilities of work with the communications are standard, is templates, the possibility of designing of its. For storing the communications both the memory of telephone and the SIM- maps is used. The function of chat room is supported. As a whole everything as on other telephones of this company. They changed ikonki of emotikonov, they became more interestingly.

Realization MMS at the height you literally can create rollers, in the number of tuning, from one side, and to their simplicity, with another, telephone differ significantly from many apparatuses.

Post client supports sending and method of communications, are supported all possible codings, including all Russians. The communications of electronic mail can be stored on the map of memory.

In tuning of electronic mail there is a separate password for SMTP-akkauntov, which is very pleasant. Tuning flexible, is added the support of practically all code pages, but not only Unicode. In the tele- letters the investments, supported by apparatus, are reflected in the form of miniatures. Office files or PDF apparatus does not understand, but it is possible to assume them upon the telephone and to preserve in any directory. Limitations to the size of the file, sent from the telephone or taken with it, are established by operator. Letters with the investments approximately 6-7 mb. depart from the telephone without any problems. Apparatus supports standard Push Mail. It is natural that the sending and the method of letters occur in the background regime.

RSS Feed. Tuning are maximally simple: you indicate the name of tape and its address, further telephone draws out her. There is the possibility to renew both the single tape and everything immediately. The possibilities of the built-in browser are used for the mapping. The load of contents of tape can occur according to the timetable.

Lists of the calls

In the common list of calls it is contained to 30 records with the indication of date and time. Opposite each record there is ikonka, which shows the type of call (passed, taken, collected number). Besides this, in the common list are reflected additional ikonki, which show, there is whether number in the memory of apparatus or SIM- map. The list of the passed calls can be also examined separately, in it it can be to 10 records. The data about price or time of last bell, all bells here are represented. Displacement between the various lists is possible with the aid of the layings, they strongly economize time.


In this menu it is possible to obtain access to the album with the photographs, to the list of musical it is file. Is interesting function MusicDJ, although it very recessed and is hardly claimed by the wide circle of users. In this editor you have the capability to create your melodies, to edit to 4 paths.

The moved version MusicDJ is function VideoDJ, it makes it possible to edit not only music, but also to add pictures, inscriptions. Total result takes shape as 3GP- file, which can be transmitted in Mms- or e-soobР»nii, immediately sent to another telephone.

Editor PhotoDJ preserved name, but completely changed its essence. Producer opened slightly the curtain above the following products CyberShot, for which this editor becomes standard. How frequently you do sketch in the telephone or you do create your pictures? Answer for the majority of people will be never obvious -. To at the same time remove the effect of red eyes, to adjust the brightness of photograph, contrast, clearness, possibly, to use one or other effect or another is sometimes usefully, but it is necessary to await the load of photograph on PK. Vocation of the new PhotoDJ - to maximally facilitate such simple operations, to make their possible on the telephone itself. To evaluate this motion is possible extremely positively.

Remote control - the possibility to govern other devices on Bluetooth- connection. It is standard for the telephones of company.

Sound recording - dictophone, makes it possible to make the vocal notes, which can be used then as the melody of bell. The record of conversation occurs from the contextual menu, there are no time constraints of record.

Games - in the telephone two games - Sims2, and also Lumines Block Challenge.

Organizer menu organizer hiding across many functions. Consider first calendar. There are three types of viewing events : the week, month or for today. In the latter case, you can see a list of all the cases and briefs in the other two allocated to the events or the day. There is a rapid shift to the selected year, month and day, all quite traditional, and I schedule. So, you can get the name, specify the place where the event will take place, duration, choose a reminder (in advance or at the time). There is a recurring event. They are billed on an annual, monthly or weekly repetition. Reminders are working and off machine, if the stipulated you.

List of the utmost service, only two versions of events : call and reminder. On the other hand, this is really lacking in simplicity has its advantages. The phone has a full search, for the calendar : you define your search (or floor), and you see all the events that are relevant under this condition. The works quickly, even with the number of entries, more than 100, from the resulting list might move more quickly to events. Notes. You record a short text notes, in general, the list is the first floor of the notes. This is not always convenient, because one starts with the text slova-markera to recall then, as indeed it is.

Electrically. Clock at 5 for each can be configured in days of the week. In addition to the alarm tone, you can choose a small note and a picture, they will be displayed on the screen. In the Alarm Clock can be any sound file.

Timer. There is a standard, however, the same can be said of the stopwatch readings with intermediate values. The apparatus is a sheet of codes, so many fond, and the usual calculator.


Browser appointed a separate menu item, it version 2, and supports secure connections, which is important for electronic transactions. The browser can be downloaded to the new phone wallpapers, themes, melodies are all available on the original site.

The standard phones Sony Ericsson NetFront-brauzer applied, it can view pages in a single lane (automatic formatting for mobile devices), viewing pages. The easy things classified form their folders, files, bookmarks. Browser is one of the best, but limited resources do not make phone use in light activity. In general, those who use the Internet constantly worth considering device or laptop, as well as a class devices it is not too interesting. At the same time, support for RSS Feeds good, it is allowed to use the phone to read the news, announcements materials. Russian encoding are still headaches, embedded browser working with them very badly.

No work with pages containing complex formatting or greater than 500 KB in size. Much of the standard browser fine, but using Opera Mini preferable, as a great opportunity.


Indeed, the menu is all settings related to the apparatus. In standby mode, you can choose to display hours on the bottom of the screen (or are not), plus a choice of available software, with the large clock clearly, but made translucent. Tell little more, all traditionally.

File management, memory

User is 16-18 MB of storage in the memory system, and all the free memory card, here it can store their data files (photos, video, applications). The remaining memory is busy pre-applications, delete them tend to be. Also part of the memory is reserved for such functions as a phone book, call records, etc. The phone is the easiest file manager and can be sorted on various folders, files, a memory device in its directories and files stored there. Telephone as a cable connection, and without it, well positioned to drive, it can keep their working files. Traditionally, the list of files you can sort them by date, type, size. The photo album, a new idea called Timeline. By selecting this picture, you can see the screen at the top line, which will display the list of months, and the list is small icons for photos of those months. You can refine the search and press again, but will have to show a list of days for the selected month. Good display, allowing navigate between photos of the debris.

Video Player

Producer ruled Player as a separate menu item, it is done with the intent to highlight the form of music player, as well as many other manufacturers models, which play music and video combined in a single menu. The benefits include the opportunity to play QVGA-rolikov with the frequency of 30 frames, progressive Forward, the ability to view in landscape-rezhime, automatic adaptation permits under high screen resolution. Finally, a unique opportunity to obtain pictures of staff from the video track, they remain in the form of images, and then it could be used by you for your own.


memory supported by 20 FM, is an automatic adjustment functions and RDS. The quality of radio is different from K750i, it is worthy.


The model is similar to Sony Ericsson W610i, attends service TrackID (hidden in the Entertainment menu), where you can learn the name of her compositions with listening or writing a piece with a microphone. A typical use of 3-4 seconds record, and then recorded the piece transferred to the server GraceNote where further compared with a large database. Unlike other models, the K550i is not only a name compositions, but immediately and buy it. Tools interesting is that possible instant, impulsive buying songs, melodies. To say something else about this service is not. To enable use of this service is understandable, because the producer made it as a separate item main menu.

You Applications submitted two applications, the Music Mate 2, a program that is self games at the various tools. The second Walk around the globe to calculate the distance to an item in the world and gives information on the country. Idea of the programme is not very clear.

Walkman Player 2.0 is a shell Pleer orange, but you can choose black or white issue. In standby mode, the player can be run by clicking on the orange button Walkman. Pressing key swerve in his sleep. The machine is all of the files and folders on the memory card, wiring information from metadata (ID3-tegov). Supported formats for audio, MP3, AAC, AAC +, E-AAC +, WAV, WMA and m4a. Restrictions on the bit rate for MR3-faylov not, you can download files with VBR. The company recommends using files with a stream of 192 kbit / c.

The entire music library stored music is divided along several lines : Performers-performers list, in alphabetical order, a quick search on name; Albums-sort of album title, as a search; Record-general list of all tones, a sort of song title or, in his absence, The metadata file name; The genre is a sort of type of music, for example, Hip Hop, Jazz, Blues, and so forth; My playlists, playlists created by the user they can be created both in the office or on the computer when viewing the contents of memory in a USB Mass Storage, in the update of the library staff as they are found. Horizontal transitions between individual tabs can see not only the album, but the list of performers, compositions. All navigation is a few touches, and each list is the search for a few letters. When playing compositions can choose to display on the screen of images, matched with a photo album or Visualization (a kind of screensavers, under the changing sound). Available regime play any or all of the compositions, random play. Fast forward, while keeping key changes step forward.

There is a quick listen to the regime of compositions, whereas player plays a few seconds of each song and jumps forward. The apparatus consists of a set of headphones HPM-70, they have the interface connector Fast Port, and the wires, in turn, 3.5-mm connector for ordinary headphones. Quality headphones are covered by mines, is one of the best in the rynke.Apparat supports OMA DRM 2.0, making it compatible with virtually all shops selling music. Producer included in the menu Online channels, here you can add any stores. Depending on the operator and whether the phone call or not, and will be referred to in this menu. Download new links to stores using its operator, for a number of countries, including Russia, it will be obsolete in the coming years. An important feature of the service for downloading music is the fact that he is running in the background, you can order compositions, from the player, Listening to music


Poly in 72-tonalnaya apparatus, but the difference in the sounds mr3-melodii, compared to other machines Sony Ericsson, no. Volume apparatus mean, it sounds dominated bass, sound saturated in the call. The street machine heard. Screen effect on the average or slightly above it is not always evident. Quality communications system is good, typical of all of the company's products.

The machine will be on sale in August, at a cost of 340 dollars, it will be expensive solution that will not take his massive. At the same time, remember selling Sony Ericsson W710i, Sony Ericsson W850i can say that the audience for this decision will definitely. For some, there is a fundamental step counter such truth quite a bit for someone attractive, relatively inexpensive slider from Sony Ericsson. At this point, to say that this system has both direct competitors will be in this category is no proposal from Nokia, interesting, perhaps, is the only Samsung E740. Products from Motorola cheaper and are positioned differently. The resulting model is good, but has no top performance.


  1. Its avilable in 3 colours , i own boulevard Black,best looking among all 3...

  2. its also in black!

  3. You said that the transfer speed does not exceed "500 Kb/s". I just want to point out that either it is Kbps or KB/s. B = byte, and b = bits. If you said 500 Kb/s, then you meant 62,5KB/s?
    Search the internet if you don't believe me.

  4. Mine died 3 weeks out of the box; I never damaged it, just turned it off one day and was never able to turn it back on again. Sony is replacing but I have to pay to ship it to them to replace a brand new FLAWED phone. Google the phrase "w580i won't turn on"...many others have had this problem so it's an inherent flaw of the phone. I wouldn't choose this same phone again. I'll be without a phone for weeks waiting for the new one, paying for my service while I can't use it. My girlfriend had a similar problem with her Sony Ericsson phone (different model) and sent it in; they replaced it with one on which the camera CONSTANTLY activates itself and shoots pics like a machine gun until the memory is full. I will never buy a Sony phone again.

  5. Okay so I might be getting this phone but I'm undecided on certain prospects of it.

    Right now, I have a razr and i carry it around in my back pocket almost all the that safe for this sony phone? I've also heard that that the keys keep breaking, is it really that fragile?

    Another problem I have with my razr is that its batteries die extremely fast. Bye the end of the day it's either down to one bar or none at all and I've heard differing comments about the sony's batteries so idk.

    And, even if it really isnt a big deal, i can't decide which color to get: pink or white. I like the pink because it makes it look feminine without making it look too girly. Then the white one is pretty cool too. Well, it's actually more of a silver color but the keys are this metallic orange and it looks really pretty.

  6. This phone is lousy! Keys cracked in no time, and now won't turn on! I would never buy a phone from Sony Ericsson again!


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