Nokia N95 Chinese clone review

It is really rare to see a review on a Chinese clone. What is even rarer is a really in depth and good review. Mobile-review have decided to review a Nokia N95 clone (it is the candybar N95 clone with a 5 mega pixel camera) and it's a very interesting. It's in Russian only and if you don't mind weird English then have a read at the translation below. Don't forget to chcek the review to see tons of pics (no videos this time). Enjoy!
Survey of multifunctional telephone (smartfona?) Nokia N95 Or "is made in China"
Mobile clones or "Chinese masters" (instead of the entrance)
One of the main reasons for the creation of this article it is possible to name the theme on our forum, in which here already yr are discussed the diverse cell phones, which resemble by exterior view apparatuses from Nokia, SE, Motorola and the like theme interesting, and sufficiently accurately illuminated exactly on the pages of forum. One additional push - appearance of similar telephones in the capital, where still year ago nothing of similar not there was nothing (or to find these apparatuses is possible with great difficulty). The quality of "forgeries" can vary in the very serious limits, from the completely terrible to the models completely comparable with the original. And with the purchase of one or other apparatus or another buyer completely can fall on similar copies, especially, if purchase is done on one of many markets.
In this survey we do not pretend to the complete disclosure of all aspects of this theme. The main thing, that there are as a goal, this description of the general specific character of market, and, most importantly, testing of one of the apparatuses. The description of devices and their difference from the originals they will allow person, who suddenly interested himself in any apparatus, to distinguish him of the "clone" (far from always this simply). But if user it is solidly confident in the fact that wants precisely "clone", then to it it will more easily draw the conclusion: "does stand the game of svech?", relying on information about the standard platforms and other characteristics of such telephones.
Not for whom it is no secret that in today's development stage of technologies the leading part in the production plays Asia. Basic production capacities are concentrated in the territories of China, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia and some other states. By the development of completion for apparatuses Nokia or Samsung, pleyerov Apple, and also with creation noname of pleyerov, often deal the same firms and plants.
The peoples of Asia take the sufficiently unique view on the design and the generally form of highly technological devices (about this has already been mentioned in the material about the mobile concepts). In connection with this on the domestic markets of Asia in an equal quantity they are encountered both the telephones of important producers (Nokia, SE, Motorola, Samsung and other) and the models of unknowns beyond the limits of the country of the firms (D- no, BandShine and others). Exactly from under the feather of the latter leave completely the neskromnye doubles of the topovykh models of the leaders of market.
After examples far to walk not necessarily, simply you will compare the given images:
To form precision determination to similar devices is sufficiently complicated. From one side the clone can be practically completely identical to the original outwardly, - the filling of similar apparatuses, naturally, seriously differs with another. Let us pause here somewhat in more detail.
Any producer develops telephones on any platform, operating system. For Nokia this "Series40" and "Series 60", for Motorola - "Synergy OS" and "Motorola-ODM Proprietary OS", for SE - "A100" and "UIQ" and so forth in the case of Asian companies the approach more economical, in practice all telephones use one and the same platform (this it concerns different producers). In the essence, we see in the majority of the cases the simple change of housing, addition or the removal (zalocheniye) of various elements (module of camera, radio, etc.). It is understandable that this flexibility makes it possible to mass produce the most different models, without making the special efforts (especially takeing into account the development of similar factories in the Asian region).
The way of apparatuses into Russia is not too original. Together with entire remaining goods, which is imported illegally or semi-legal, telephones penetrate the boundary to the eastern part of Russia. The cities of Siberia and Far East already have long ago not suffered from the shortage of Chinese production, and cell phones "clones" here also exist in large quantities. In Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Belogorske and others cities the market for "clones" mass, they are sold at many kiosks and points of sales. Until recently these telephones did not fall into the large cities; however, approximately in the second quarter of their of 2006 already it was possible to see and in Moscow.
"it is made in Finland" or SSS MNHCAR3N POCCNN
To tell about how apparatuses they are differed from each other and as they are good or disgusting possible for long. But much more useful it will simply examine one of the typical platforms? serving as base for many clones, based on clear example.
In our hands proved to be representative hi-tech segment in the opinion of company Nokia, or the representative of budgetary segment in the opinion of many and many Asian producers. Meet - Nokia N95 (type Rm-13).
To begin stands from the staggering inscription, placed inside the housing, under the storage battery. It says, that the telephone has a certificate OF "SSS Of minsvyaz' of Russia", in Chinese this treats as "SSS MNHCAR3N POCCNN". On this pleasant note let us switch over to the housing of apparatus.
This apparatus relates to the group of typical clones. From the the original Nokia N95 is borrowed perhaps that the name and the specification, substituted to the rim of the objective of camera. Design has only a hint to the original apparatus, not more. As a whole the exterior view of model is conservative. No extraodinary features, special details. Classical monoblock of silvery color. It appears simply. Main enemies of exterior view, who put out in the telephone its true origin - the negligently substituted name, brand Nokia and assigned for galochki "Bluetooth
Apparatus has a size, compared with the the original Nokia N95, it only is more than simple telephones. Conveniently it lies at the hand.
Almost entire front of the housing occupies sensory display. Screen is qualitative. This TFT- matrix with diagonal 2.7", which reflects to 262 thousands it is color. Permission of display QVGA - 320x240 points. Picture living, although the display sins by superfluous granularity, in other respects it is executed qualitatively.
Let us note this interesting detail, connected with the screen. In the time of testing the apparatus was shown to friends and by familiar. Many of them, even having learned, that this is the Chinese distribution, which has a cost of approximately 5 000 rubles, positively they answered a question about the selection of model. Explanation - "steep and large" display. Simply stated, one diagonal alone of screen already produces substantially impression, this is very important criterion for many users, and here it is carried out.
The conversational dynamic loudspeaker, taken away by grid, is located above the screen. Grid, judging by everything, is stuck on the fast hand, it appears slovenly. On the left side objective of one of two cameras here is located. It is possible to remove itself. There is no function of videovyzova, apparatus simply does not support the network of the third generation (then the camera above the screen as in Nokia N95).
Immediately the unit of navigation and digital keys is located under the display. Navigational unit consists of two soft- keys, the release keys and method of call and five-position button in the center. To work with entire block is convenient - buttons moderately tight and otklikayutsya well to the pressures. There are no differences from any telephone of important producer here.
Digital keyboard is less convenient in the work. Buttons dangle and they have the perceptible motion in everything of side, in this case they small on the area. With pressure the finger frequently slides down from the key. Marking on the keyboard deserves separate attention. It is made very badly, letters are superimposed on each other, overlap. To dismantle symbols is complicated. As a whole this part of the keyboard issues in the apparatus the spirit of the "left" telephone, assembled without any control.
On the left edge it is located the key -kacel6ka for volume control, on with right - button of the activation of camera. The strip from the plastic, which imitates the chrome-plated surface, passes on entire perimeter of side. Upper end is free from the elements, on the lower is located propriyetarnyy joint for the charger and the cable of synchronization, and also opening of microphone.
On the tail end us awaits the main intrigue of apparatus - 5 mega-pixelcamera, optics Carl Zeiss. Next to the objective of camera there is a mirror for the survey of self-portraits. In reality in the apparatus is established 1.3 mega-pixelcamera with the permission of photograph 1280x1024 of point. C'est la vie.
Camera possesses the imposing collection of tuning, but their importance zero. Let us lead into an example several photographs, made a camera of apparatus. The examination of this part can be boldly concluded on this.
Joint for stilusa is located in the right lower part of the housing. Perot telescopic. A central failure in this element - its small thickness. When you work with the feather, continually appears sensation, that it any minute now will be cracked. To take out stilus is convenient, for this on the tip there is a convex element; therefore it suffices to wear under it by finger.
In the apparatus is used the storage battery with a capacity of 1000 mAch. With 20 minutes of conversations during the day and sending of 10-15 text communications, the telephone works from one charge of 3-4 days. Average index.
Menu or "as to raise to itself mood?"
Apparatus is built on the program platform, utilized in the majority of Chinese forgeries. Existing platform is one of the popular not only among the underground or the unknowns to the wide circle of producers. By it not brezguyut some well-known companies. For the interest can become acquainted with two surveys of Vladimir Fokin on our site - Fly SX210 and Fly 2080. By program these models are completely identical to the hero of our survey, if not one but.
The fact is that in both models Fly usual menu in the Russian language. This is not interesting. Another matter - Nokia N95 type Rm-13, made in China and localized there. Transfer of menu here - happiness for any person, carrier of the Russian language. Such pearls can be met on some packings of Chinese goods, household devices. But the complete bouquet of all expressions and the clear picture of the deep fantasy of translator from the Chinese to the Russian language it is possible to get only from the cell phones, similar to that examined Nokia.
If you are already familiar with the surveys of the models Fly indicated, then sosredotoch'te their of attention in the images of menu and the transfer. It that stands, pover'te.
In the apparatus 1 mb. of memory. This is extremely small volume for the contemporary models. Under the battery section there is a joint under the map of memory. By sight of it is very similar to MicroSD, but the corresponding maps rejected to work in the telephone. Remains to surmise, the marriage of model itself or in the telephone another type of maps.
Main menu is represented in the form of matrix 3x4. Of ikonki large according to the size, colorful and well traced. However, programmers Symbian and Nokia in vain do not eat their bread, whereas to Chinese remained to accurately transfer marks from its original Nokia N95, more precise than operating system - Symbian 9.1 I will substitute represented in the form of vertical lists. Rapid navigation with the aid of the digital sequence is provided, but only in I will substitute apparatus. Types are flat and well read read, with exception of several lyapov.
To speak about any logic in the organization of menu it does not be necessary. The fantasy of that, who arranged I will substitute the points of tuning here simply it were escape. Below you same this will see.
Since telephone is equipped with sensory screen, it is worthwhile to speak about convenience in the use of an apparatus with the aid of this method of introduction. In contrast to the communicators, here sensory screen is in no way necessary, since it bears no advantages. All actions it is very convenient to perform, also, without the feather, some by keys alone. Only, that more- is less optimized for the work with the sensory screen, this main menu, since only in it ikonki of the points of menu are made largest, it is possible to activate them even finger. In other divisions sensory introduction is converted into the torture - line of menu too narrow and they are located close to each other, the erroneous selection of point not rarity. If you think that sensory introduction will give to you advantage during the text entry, then you deeply make mistakes. There is no manuscript introduction into the telephone, and virtual keyboard such tiny that in order to fall into the necessary letter, it is necessary to be by sniper. How you do see, sensory screen in this case, it is simple the special feature of platform, why not to use it?
The sensory panel of rapid starting, which is located under the display, it answers for the call of five applications, these are musical pleyer, bells, directory, communication and recovery to the main screen. Of ikonki small, to press them, for example, is rapid by nail, but not by stilusom, it is complicated. One additional deficiency it is possible to consider that the fact that ikonki are not illuminated also in their darkness it is not simply evident.
With the description of the points of menu we left original orthography for retaining the coloring. Interpretation is given in the brackets.
You ring to the book (telephone book). In the memory of apparatus it can be stored to 300 contacts. For each contact it is possible to write down name (to 30 symbols), to 4 telephone numbers with the rigid tying to the type of number, the name of company (to 20 symbols), the address of electronic mail and the date of generation. Also to contact it is possible to appropriate picture or video and the melody of call. In addition to this, contact possible to place into one of five groups, for each of which it is possible to change name, to appropriate picture or video, and also the melody of call.
In the list of contacts both the contacts from the map of memory and the SIM- maps are reflected. Search is achieved in the telephone book letter by letter or on the name. The selected contact is mapped into the upper part of the screen together with the miniature of picture or ikonki, on silence appropriated to subscriber. In the list of contacts next to the name of subscriber only mobile number of telephone is reflected, and for the survey of remaining numbers it is necessary to select contact and to harvest the key for confirmation. Rapid access to the list of contacts is effected by a pressure of right functional key from the standby mode.
The photo, appropriated to subscriber, cannot exceed by volume 20 KB, but here there is no such limitation for the videotapes. During incoming call of photo it is reflected not on the complete screen.
Communications (communications). In the memory of apparatus it can be stored to 50 communications. Apparatus supports standard EMS, in the memory of telephone already there is a collection of the predetermined pictures, animations and melodies. Work with the glued communications is provided, with the collection maximum volume can reach 1224 symbols. There are 10 templates, which can be changed at their discretion. Is provided mul'tirassylka of communications (to 10 numbers), and also the sending of the communication to group of subscribers (from the telephone book).
Editor MMS- communications is sufficiently simple and intelligible in the work. It is possible to create the templates of communications. The maximum volume of sent MMS- communication cannot exceed 100 KB.
Post client supports POP3/IMAP/SMTP- post boxes, limitation to the size of the obtained letters - 100 KB, the same limitation and to the volume of the sent letters. As the investment can come out any file, including from the memory of external map. It is possible to add three objects as the investments in all. With reading of Russian codings the problems appear, apparatus understands only Unicode. There is no possibility to establish obtaining only titles of letters. There is a possibility of work with three mailboxes, but it is necessary to be switched between them through the menu of tuning electronic mail.
Cause history (calls). The standard lists of incoming, collected and passed calls, in each of them it can be stored to 30 numbers. Identical numbers are united, for each it is possible to look detailed information, these are date and the time of bell, name (if number in the telephone book), number and a quantity of collections. In the counter of conversations it is possible to look the time of last bell and, separately, the time of all outgoing and entering bells. The counter of data and SMS- communications also is present.
Designations (installations). All tuning of telephone are here assembled. It is possible to fix time and date, to select the language of menu, and also the regime of the introduction, which will be used on silence.
For the screen it is proposed to select wall-papers, this can be one of the predetermined images or any another graphic file. It is possible to select the screen headpiece (the same as for the wall-papers) and to fix time, in which it will be included.
In this division also find tuning call, network (it is possible to by hand select range) and safety. From the subsection "safety" it is possible to establish blocking keyboard automatically after a certain time (from 5 seconds to 5 minutes).
In division Flight Mode it is possible to open the radio-part of telephone.
Short way (my menu). User menu of 10 points for the rapid access to the necessary function of telephone.
Profiles Of user (Profiles). In the apparatus of 6 profiles, completely tuned by user. Here it is possible to select the melody of bell practically for any action, to advance its loudness and to establish the type of bell (single, that is repeated or increasing). Here there is the possibility to select the type of line signal, this can be: only bell; only vibration; vibration and bell simultaneously; vibration, then bell or only light notification.
Manager Of file (My Files). This point of menu is nothing other than file- manager. With the entrance into it it is possible to select, what memory to examine, build it or external, in the upper part is reflected total volume and capacity of free storage. From the menu it is possible to open necessary memory or to otformatirovat' it. In the file- manager it is possible to advance sorting it is file and folders according to the name, the type, the time of creation or the size. There is the possibility to create new folders, and to also re-name those already created. Files can be moved between the folders, sent to other devices through MMS, e-mail or Bluetooth. For the selected file in the upper part of the screen is represented the information about its type in the form of ikonki (for the graphic it is file it is reflected miniature), here they are derived the data about its size and date of creation.
Organizer (Organayzer). In the calendar the survey is possible only in the month. In addition to this, it is possible to look the list of all events. For the event is established the date and time (beginning and the end of event), small text note (to 35 symbols), sonic notification with the possibility to advance the alliteration: daily, every week, monthly or on the selected days of week. In the notes it is possible to add one already finished template of reminding (all in all in the memory of telephone 10). All events can be sent in size vCalendar through SMS, MMS or Bluetooth.
In the apparatus five independent alarm clocks, for each are advanced time, and also alliterations: daily, every week, monthly or on the selected days of week. It is possible to also dispose the auto-switching on of telephone on the signal of alarm clock.
In the same division the function of universal time and stopwatch find.
Services (Services). In the apparatus simplest WAP- browser is established. In this division falls SIM- menu (in the presence its). Hence it is possible to dispose profiles for the transmission of the data through GSM or GPRS.
Amusement and game (games). In the apparatus are predetermined 3 games: Riddle (to gather to Mohn to Lees from the pieces), MagicSushi (to combine analogous images and to bring down groups) and Vsmj (this name must be given only to game - blockbuster, indeed it sounds as!), this is the game of chance in the "bone".
Also in this menu to be located utility for the drawing. Simple and pleasant. The drawn picture always can be saved, and this main thing.
Additional ("without the name"). In this point of menu are bred the calculator, the converter of ones and currency, and I will also substitute "health".
Bluetooth. Everything, connected with tuning Bluetooth, also find in this division. In the apparatus is realized Bluetooth version 1.2, the profiles are supported: Headset, Handsfree, Serial Port Profile (SPP), Dial-up Networking Profile (DUN), Object Push Profile (OPP), File Transfer Profile (FTP) and Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP). Work Bluetooth does not cause censures, connection with other devices occurred without the problems.
Mul'tisredstva (Mul'timedia). MP3-pleer it makes it possible to lose compositions with different bitreytami, be located they can in any place both in the memory of telephone and on the map of memory. There is one ple1- sheet, in it it is possible to add any compositions at its discretion. It is possible to also include the auto-creation of ple1- sheet, in this case in it will be included all musical compositions, which find also in the memory of telephone, and on the map of memory. Control of pleyerom can be achieved with the aid of the navigation key. Reproduction in the random order and alliteration it is possible to activate only through tuning of pleyera, to make this rapidly will not come out. Rewinding inside the composition is absent, there is only passage to the following or previous track. Pleyer has three forms of formulation, user can select it on its taste. Pleyer can work in the background regime, it suffices to harvest the key for the ring-off of call. The name of composition will be reflected under the logotype of operator in the brackets. The long name of composition is reflected incorrectly, although if we through the menu of pleyera look information about the file (name of composition, executor, album, genre, yr), then all information is represented correctly.
Pleyer reproduces music both through the head sets and through the dynamic loudspeaker of telephone. With the reproduction through the dynamic loudspeaker of telephone on the loudness, close to the maximum, the dynamic loudspeaker begins to wheeze and to choke. In the complete set with the telephone goes stereo-set, the quality of head sets average. To replace for set will not come out because of the use of a unique joint.
And simply several pictures from the screen of telephone.
The quality of the method of apparatus is located on the level typical for the contemporary telephones. The loudness of calling dynamics - I will not be afraid this comparison, the highest of all apparatuses, represented on the market. On the maximum level simply unpleasantly it is located near the telephone. In this case the dynamic loudspeaker does not begin to wheeze - sound clean. The loudness of bell will be sufficient under any conditions, even at the plant or in the airport with the takeoff of aircraft.
Assembling device and the localization by menu - major factors, which speak against in a question of the selection of model. If we look to the apparatus part and the platform, then let us note that the potential exists. Another question, that the producers of Chinese forgeries do not want to use it, where more simply to play with one and the same incomplete platform, adding and moving away functions.
The cost of model is today 5 000 rubles in Moscow. In the eastern part of Russia, from where apparatuses convey into the capital, price most likely below. To find similar telephones, naturally, is possible far from in all cities. Not it goes about what guarantee with the purchase of speech, even if there is formal document. Apparatuses are imported and are sold illegally.
Fight Nokia N95 and Nokia N95 (made in china) did not take place. Before us one of many Chinese forgeries, which simply uses a brand and a popular stamp. In the telephone is pleasant moments, not bad display, high loudness, valuable Bluetooth module with support A2DP. With its price (less than 200 US dollars) model is interesting by these functions. But general realization does not maintain criticism. Platform as a whole has a potential, but thus far will not appear the important developer or the brand, ready to use this potential, we will see hundred and hundreds of similar clones.
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