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Hints of a Sony Ericsson K880

There is an article at the big Swedish nyteknik site which mentions the Sony Ericsson K880. Here is the content of the article in Swedish and roughly translated into English.

Tre får första tjing
på ny Sony Ericsson

Under hösten kommer Sony Ericsson med ytterligare en kameramobil i serien Cybershot. Modellen som heter K770 ska inledningsvis säljas exklusivt av operatören Tre.

K770 är en modernare variant av storsäljaren K800. Båda har 3g och en kamera med 3,2 megapixels upplösning. K770 är dock både betydligt lättare och tunnare.

Den är samtidigt något enklare än den kommande toppmodellen i Cybershot-serien, K880, med fem megapixels upplösning.


Three sheep first tjing
on new Sony Ericsson

during the autumn comes Sony Ericsson with yet another camera mobile in the series Cybershot. The mock-up that is called K770 will initially be sold exclusively of the operator three.

K770 is a more modern variant of big selling clean K800. Both has 3g and a camera with 3,2 megapixels dissolution. K770 is however both considerably easier and thinner.

It is concurrent something simpler than the the future tip mock-up in Cybershot-serien, K880, with five megapixels dissolution.


  1. It's a typo! It's K850. Nothing called K880 coming up.

  2. this is a nice blog.


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