Monday, March 24 2025

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NEW: Try Opera Mini 4 beta 3

Test drive this newest version of Opera Mini to experience a entirely new dimension in mobile Web browsing. Opera Mini 4 beta 3 integrates with Opera Link to allow you to keep all of your bookmarks on your mobile device, Mac/PC, or game console in sync and up-to-date.


Opera Mini beta changelog

Changes since Opera Mini 4 beta 2:
- Added Link support
- Added Speed Dials
- Added RSS feed support
- Added shortcut *+0 for feeds
- Added shortcuts for speed dials (*+[speed dial number])
- Added function to ask the transcoders for the title and favicon of a new bookmark or speed dial
- Stylus devices can now scroll shortcut help overlays
- Changed "Fit to width" to "Mobile view"
- Changed "Autozoom" to "Show overview"
- Low, medium and high image quality setting
- Images fit better to the screen (no panning)
- Improved BiDi support
- Page position and scaling is now preserved after reload of page
- Stylus devices without pointer motion events should be able to scroll anyway, just not in realtime
- Faked transcoding progress when using feeds
- Show numbers in ordered lists
- Improved stylesheet handling
- Focus highlight now looks inactive when loading
- New and improved server side cookie handling


  1. Thanks for sharing the information

  2. Thanks for sharing the information


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