Samsung G800 review

Mobile-review have posted a really long and in depth review of the Samsung G800. it is definitely worth checking out. I enjoyed the review very much and it's full of pics. Here is the final impression.
The reception quality put up by the G800 is in line with other Samsung-branded devices. The ringtone volume is quite decent, as it can be heard in various environments. The silent alert is average strength-wise, no significant improvements have been made here.
The G800 is certainly a mixed bag. While it really resembles today’s digital compacts design-wise and claims that it can shoot just as well (xenon flash, image stabilizer, optical zoom), its real picture quality is pretty much identical to the more affordable Samsung G600. It turns out the only thing going for the G800 is its advertising campaign. But will they be able to get it popular? I don’t think so. While the G800 goes for about as much money as the Nokia N95, the latter sports a number of trumps – that is, WiFi, GPS-receiver and its smartphone functionality with more punch on offer, which makes it not an imaging-centric solution, but a mobile powerhouse.
The main problem with the Samsung G800 is that this device is pretty late to the market – Samsung’s attempt to create an imaging-heavy flagship is quite interesting, however they have bumped into the fact that they can’t back it up with a real leap up in terns of quality. That’s why you might wonder why would someone need to drag along a huge phone that is no better than its slender sibling (the G600), yet retails for more? While these two phones are pretty much identical functionality-wise, the price gap between the G600 and the G800 makes around 130-140 USD – the latter starts shipping late in November for 750-850 USD.
The Samsung G800 has neither direct nor indirect rivals from other brands, being a mere niche-aimed solution. This phone should end up on your short-list if only you are a man fond of unusual things and don’t want to be “like everyone else”, yet with no particular interest in superb image quality or extra abilities.
Speaking of promising features, there are user-manageable wallpapers available with the G800. But The rest of the feature pack found in this phone is mostly standard Samsung fare. On top of that, some of its abilities have been downgraded when compared to the previous models (no handset-wide search, for example).
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