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Motorola Foundation Calls for Innovation Generation Grants Applications

Signature program to provide more than $5 million to pioneering, hands-on science and math programs

WHAT Motorola today opened its call for applications for the 2009 Innovation Generation Grants, the technology company’s signature giving program. Innovation Generation Grants support programs that inspire and cultivate the next generation of inventors and innovators by making science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) accessible and relatable to students at any age. In 2009, the Motorola Foundation will provide $5 million in Innovation Generation Grants to organizations that engage U.S. Pre-K through 12 students, especially girls and underrepresented minorities, and teachers in STEM programming.

In 2008, the Motorola Foundation’s Innovation Generation Grants supported more than 90 programs that use innovative approaches to develop students’ interest and skills in STEM. Of the recipient programs – ranging from after-school and summer science enrichment programs to activities that promote innovative technology use and teacher-training initiatives – 43 percent serve African American students, 23 percent reach Hispanic youth, and 35 percent reach girls.
GUIDELINES AND PRIORITIES Funding priority will be placed on pioneering programs that:

– Engage students and teachers in innovative, hands-on ways
– Teach innovation and creative problem-solving skills
– Focus on girls and underrepresented minorities
– Engage Motorola employees as volunteers
– Take place in communities where Motorola has an employee presence in Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas
– Have nationwide and/or online reach
– Demonstrate measurable outcomes
– Are less than two years old
Grant applicants may request up to $75,000. Select organizations may be asked to apply for larger grants.
Grants will be for one year of project work, starting after June 2009.
Any U.S. non-profit organization may apply. Schools and school districts may apply.
At least 25% of total grant dollars will support new programming that has been operating for less than two years and is not simply an expansion of an existing program.

DEADLINE February 15, 2009

APPLICATION Apply online at www.motorola.com/giving.

ABOUT THE MOTOROLA FOUNDATION The Motorola Foundation is the independent charitable and philanthropic arm of Motorola. With employees located around the world, Motorola seeks to benefit the communities where it operates. The company achieves this by making strategic grants, forging strong community partnerships, fostering innovation and engaging stakeholders. Motorola Foundation focuses its funding on education, especially innovation, science, technology, engineering and math programming. For more information on Motorola Corporate and Foundation giving, visit www.motorola.com/giving.

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