Protected Tablet netbuk PeeWee children
The advent of inexpensive netbukov helped many parents get their children into the world of high technology. However, not all children can accurately treat their toys, so often the usual mobile PCs are not able to active use by children, and went out of order. So the emergence of a new secure netbuka Children are welcome.
It is a product of PeeWee PC, which provided a flatbed netbuk who not afraid of falling and liquids spilled on it. Specifications are typical: Platform for Intel Atom (CPU N270, 1,6 GHz), 1 GB RAM, 2-port USB, 60-GB hard disk, and turning 10-inch touch screen. It is also worth noting the 6-yacheechnuyu battery, 1.3-MP camera, support for Wi-Fi and OS Windows XP. It should produce a very moderate - $ 600.
It is a product of PeeWee PC, which provided a flatbed netbuk who not afraid of falling and liquids spilled on it. Specifications are typical: Platform for Intel Atom (CPU N270, 1,6 GHz), 1 GB RAM, 2-port USB, 60-GB hard disk, and turning 10-inch touch screen. It is also worth noting the 6-yacheechnuyu battery, 1.3-MP camera, support for Wi-Fi and OS Windows XP. It should produce a very moderate - $ 600.
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