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Transcend summarized financial results

The company Transcend has shared with the public their financial success in March. For example, revenue from international sales of the company Transcend has reached 72.53 million U.S. dollars. Sales of products based on flash memory comprised 57.5% of total sales, DRAM - modules - 26,4%. Sales of products new product lines, including digital players, portable hard drives and digital photo frames, is 16.1%.

Shipment of Transcend products in March reached 7.2 million units. The main contribution to the sales made products based on flash memory, which has sold 3.81 million flash cards and 1.82 million USB-fleshek, representing sales growth of 28.5% and 4.59% respectively. Shipment of DRAM-module of 1.25 million units, and new product 312 000 units, which corresponds to an increase of 82.6%.

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