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Navigation improves AVTOSPUTNIK kartpokrytie: A new single map of Central Asia

For program GPS / GLONASS navigation AVTOSPUTNIK released map of Central Asia. A single image map of Central Asia for the program navigation AVTOSPUTNIK - this is full coverage of the territory of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan: Almaty, Chui, Issyk-Kul region and the largest cities - Almaty and Bishkek, with detailed road and street network and the targeted base. Relevance of the new data card - October 2009

Thus, avtoputeshestvennikam enjoying the program AVTOSPUTNIK not need to have two separate maps of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan: a combined card allows blaze through paths, taking into account all existing border and customs of transitions between the two countries. Site includes information on more than 700 locations in Almaty and more than 600 settlements in the Chui and Issyk-Kul regions, as well as over 10 000 objects POI: the most popular destinations for tourism and recreation, more than 150 resorts, sanatoriums and rest homes in the resort area of Lake Issyk-Kul.

Nautical map of "Central Asia" can be bought at online shop AVTOSPUTNIK. The map is available for purchase only to users of the program navigation AVTOSPUTNIK in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan - both versions for communicators on Windows Mobile, and mobile navigation devices on the Windows CE.

Program AVTOSPUTNIK navigation with a map of Central Asia provides such navigation and interactive features:

* Connecting mobile services AVTOSPUTNIK;
* Track Record, the publication and sharing site online.autosputnik.com, as well as transfer them to the site service in real time;
* Implementation of POI search by type, name, etc.;
* Adding own POI (bookmarks) in unlimited quantities;
* Free upgrade kits POI, including online, directly to the navigator;
* Laying routes, taking into account the SDA.

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