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Reminder To Developers: Register For Verizon Wireless’ Webcast On Jan. 20, 2010

Webcast for Developers will Review Specifications and Answer Developer Questions.

BASKING RIDGE, NJ — Registration is still open for Verizon Wireless’ Jan. 20, 2010, webcast that will review the updated specifications for wireless devices that will run on the nationwide 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) network the company is building on the Upper 700 MHz C-Block Spectrum.

The webcast will begin at 11 a.m. EST on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2010. Registration for the webcast is available by visiting www.verizonwebcasts.com/vzw/10027/registration.html. Developers can access the Verizon Wireless 700 MHz LTE Specification updates from the open development Web site at www.verizonwireless-opendevelopment.com. To view which sections of the specifications have been updated, developers can check the Revision History.

By the end of the year, Verizon Wireless expects that its 4G LTE wireless network will cover a population area size of 100 million people. The company’s 4G LTE network will ultimately connect a full range of electronics devices and machines such as home appliances, automobiles and televisions.

Visit www.verizonwireless.com/lte for more information about Verizon Wireless’ 4G LTE wireless network.

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