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Taiwan market: Two mobile TV licenses may be issued by end of 2010

Taiwan's National Communications Commission (NCC) plans to issue Taiwan's first two mobile TV licenses by the end of 2010, one to operate on Channel 35 (596-602MHz) and the other on Channel 36 (602-608MHz), according to the organization.

Each 6MHz frequency band can be used to deliver mobile TV services on 18-20 program channels, according to local telecom industry sources. A nationwide network of mobile TV services entails the establishment of 10 high-power base stations, 20-30 mid-power base stations and 500-600 low-power base stations around Taiwan at an estimated total cost of NT$1 billion (US$31 million), the sources pointed out. The two licensees will be allowed to choose a mobile TV standard between the Qualcomm-developed MediaFLO and DVB-H, the sources indicated.

NCC issued five trial broadcast licenses of mobile TV at the end of 2006, with four licensees choosing DVB-H and the other using MediaFLO, the sources noted. The trial broadcasts ended in June 2008, the sources added.

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