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BlackBerry from MTS: geography is wider, it is more than possibilities

The telecommunication operator of MTS declared about the expansion of the geography of the assignment of the services Of blackBerry for the corporate clients and BlackBerry Of internet Of service for the particular subscribers, and also about the new more advantageous conditions for the users of data of services.

Now balanced package for the protected and rapid access to the personal and corporate electronic mail with the aid of special [smartfonov] Of blackBerry can use subscribers MTS, which live in Voronezh, to Kostroma, Kaliningrad, Ul'yanovsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Ekaterinburg, Blagoveshchenk, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Stavropol'; the republics of the Mary -[El], [Tyva], [Khakassiya], [Adygeya] and [Karachaevo]-[Cherkessiya].

With the new service “Of blackBerry Of internet Of service entire Mir” for the particular users for the fixed license fee the clients obtain the unlimited volume of the transmitted/obtained post the GPRS- Internet traffic during their presence in the territory “of domestic” region, in intra-net, international and national [rouminge]. Remaining GPRS- traffic tariffs according to the conditions of the tariff of subscriber. Service is connected free of charge.

Specially for the subscribers of the service “Of blackBerry from MTS” is started the new tariff, which allows for corporate subscribers, without the large [edinorazovykh] expenditures for obtaining of access to the service platform Of blackBerry, to organize for its colleagues the mobile electronic mail of world business- standard. Maintenance on the new tariff is realized with the use of [servernogo] equipment, located on the territory MTS.

This model, from the words of operator, gives the following advantages to corporate subscriber:

the absence of additional expenditures for the acquisition of [servernogo] equipment and its maintenance - the technical support of service is achieved by professionals MTS;
the essential savings of expenditures for the connection of service and the purchase of user licenses;
the absence of additional payments, besides monthly license fee - 1800 rubles for each user of the service, which includes the unlimited volume of the transmitted/obtained post the GPRS- Internet traffic during the presence of subscriber in the domestic region and in intra-net [rouminge].

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