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[Smartfon] Of motorola Of droid of the X can be put on the market in July

American operator Verizon Wireless, as is known, prepares for the release new functional [smartfon] on the basis OS Of android - Motorola Of droid of the X (earlier it was known under the code name Of motorola Of shadow). Let us recall, this [tachfon] with the large 4,3- one inch sensory screen, equipped 8-[Mp] by the camera (it is supported the record by video of high clearness 720p) and by port HDMI. According to the preliminary data, the model will obtain not only OS Of android, but also renovated interface Of motoBlur, which if necessary can be hidden.

Motorola Of droid of the X has already been located on the sites Of verizon and Motorola, true, only in the form of [tizerov]. The announcement of this device takes place, apparently, on June 23. But here about the release into sale to complete clarity no. But most likely, it is planned in July. Specifically, this month (07.2010) is mentioned in the new advertising videotape Of motorola Of droid of the X, which let out the operator Of verizon. There flicker the characteristics: 4,3- one inch screen, 8-[Mp] camera, port HDMI, although to examine them is possible with difficulty. In addition to this, one of the resources made an assumption relative to the price of the apparatus: $200 with the condition of conclusion of a contract.

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