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Droid X Release Set for July 2nd?

Motorola Droid lovers have been studying the recently posted Verizon teaser for the Droid X all day long. The hidden Easter eggs were revealed in our Verizon Droid X Teaser Analysis. The video confirms the 8 megapixel camera, HDMI output, DROID DOES branding, 4.3″ WVGA Screen, DroidLanding Twitter account, and July release date.

But, the most curious part of the video is at the end when the 07.2010 graphic mysteriously flickers and morphs into 7.02.2010. Does this mean that the Droid X is set for release on Friday, July 2nd of 2010? Only time will tell. But, one thing’s for sure: Verizon and Moto are hyping this device up majorly.


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