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MTS: free SMS- informations from the portal To [vKontakte]

Operator MTS declared, that for its subscribers in the network [VKontakte] became accessible the new service. Users can instantly and free of charge learn about everything, which occurs on the page on the portal Of vkontakte.ru. Information about the new communications, the commentaries to [fotkam] or the invitations in friends will come to the cell phone in the form of SMS- notifications.

For the activation it is necessary simply to visit to its page [VKontakte] and to include the option of mobile notifications. From this point on, information about the new communications, the commentaries to [fotkam] or the invitations in friends will come to the cell phone in the form of SMS- notifications. It is possible to dispose obtaining notifications into the convenient for time having, for example, forbidden them in the night time.

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