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Nintendo of 3DS in “final” design will be released in 2011

The head of the American subdivision of the company Of nintendo Of [redzhi] Of [fils]-[Eym] (Reggie Of fils-Aime) it reported the periods of the production of the future play console Of nintendo of 3DS, although it restrained from the communication of the concrete date, when those desiring can actually obtain it. In the interview for the resource Of industryGames, Mr. [Fils]-[Eym] reported that console with the three-dimensional screen he is planned to let out on all basic markets: European, American and Japanese. Thus far planned time - end March 2011.

This time was selected as coinciding with the end of financial year for Nintendo, which will make it possible to noticeably increase the indices of sales for its end and to finish on the rise. The matters in company are added not in better shape at the present moment - sales of the consoles Of dSi and Wii into the last blocks were descended, and the release of 3DS basic hope for a change in this tendency. As far as assertion about a possible change in the design, about which it is said on the official site of company is concerned, Mr. [Fils]-[Eym] confirmed that the final decision is not thus far made, but in the existing form it will not be preserved. Console was demonstrated on the exhibition Of [e]3 and now designers and engineers Nintendo deal with processing information of those obtained on the exhibition relative to the exterior view of console. As soon as all opinions will be consolidated - will be accepted the solution about the final design Of nintendo of 3DS, with which it will be released for the market. The periods of its publication it was not named.

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