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Samsung Galaxy TAB. First Look

Mobile-review have posted a preview of the Samsung Galaxy TAB. Here is their final impression.

Samsung tablet is released after Apple iPad and many will view it as an attempt to compete with this reference device. There is no smoke without fire, especially when you look at Messages app, charger and so on. Minor details create an overall impression. Samsung TAB launch is planned for mid October, but the most interesting issue is the price. It will be definitely more expensive than Galaxy S, which translates into €650-700 for a 16 GB version. It is possible that the price will be a bit lower, but we should not expect dramatic changes. With such a price in mind Samsung TAB loses out to all rival products on the market. Look at iPad, which costs less in its cheapest version (no video calls or 3G, but bigger screen, metal in the body, protective glass for screen and the power of Apple brand). Various 7″ Android products cost €300 and more, which is two times less. Samsung tablet has technical advantages (camera, processor, memory, additional memory and 3G HSUPA), but who will think about it in shops? I think Samsung TAB will easily acquire the reputation of a very expensive model. It is likely to sell well in the segment of Android fans and rich consumers looking for a tablet. We should not expect high mass demand similar to Samsung Galaxy S. First Samsung tablet is not iconic, but merely one of many. It is not the first on the market and lacks the charisma of Apple iPad. High price makes it less competitive outright. The first step was not completely successful.

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