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CEO of Qualcomm, Jacobs, Paul (Paul Jackobs), at a press briefing in San Diego reported that a scheduled for release bukrider Mirasol canceled before launch. The reason was that, according to the company's CEO, the final result of the development of devices for reading electronic books did not suit him. Instead of release in the first quarter of the first device technology Mirasol, a company focused on developing the next generation. The head of Qualcomm, said: "We were getting ready to release a small amount of bukriderov, but I did not like the system as a whole. I did not want to release the first product in which I something do not like, so we decided not to release it and focus on its next generation. "

No details about what will be a second-generation devices with screens Mirasol Paul Jacobs did not elaborate. We only know that, unlike the originally planned device, which was to compete directly with devices for reading electronic books, it will be increasingly focused on market tablets. According to executive director of Qualcomm, these screens can successfully compete with OLED displays, which are used in modern phones, and tablets. In general, the development of technology in MEM companies see a great future. Mr. Jacobs mentioned that the Taiwanese factory engaged in the development Mirasol, the company invested $ 1 billion.

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