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Tele2 will upgrade IT-infrastructure of retail stores

Operator Tele2, a European mobile operator, has completed the first phase of the project for implementation of hardware and software, designed specifically for network-brand stores. The solution can speed up operations and improve the efficiency of branded salons Tele2. Tele2 company continues to develop a network of single-brand stores, organized on the principle of retail stores. The project company in the branded showrooms were installed IT-system, designed specifically commissioned by Tele2. For hardware stores used a wide range of hardware and software solutions that help automate business processes and manage a growing network of single-brand stores. 's partner operator to supply equipment, localization and customization of technology was the company IBS Platformix. Alexander Smolin, development director of its own retail network Tele2 Russia noted that the establishment of an efficient retail network, working on common standards, has become one of the highest priorities in this year's Tele2. When you create a single-brand stores Tele2 uses a unique format for the Russian operators, which requires effective technology solutions that meet the stringent requirements of performance and reliability.

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