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Samsung’s S Note now in beta mode at Google Play, Samsung calls for testers

Samsung is no stranger to releasing proprietary apps over at the Google Play Store. Over the last year, the company has brought apps such as S Health, Wi-Fi Transfer, Samsung Music, Samsung Voice Recording, and even the Galaxy Note’s most cherished application, S Note, to Google’s app store for the larger Android user base. The goal has been not only to get non-Galaxy Android users to interact with Samsung’s software and give feedback, but to make it easier to update these apps when the time comes.

S Note was released to the wider Android community back in May, but the app is now back in beta mode due to a new update that, apparently, looks to bring some significant changes. To prepare the S Note update for primetime, Samsung is now looking to enroll beta testers who will give feedback and respond to changes that will make S Note more appealing to Android users at large.

Now, before you happily tap the Play Store app and prepare to sign up for the S Note beta testing program, understand that Samsung has said the S Note beta app will have bugs. This means that there are things that may and may not work correctly, but your job as a beta tester is to give good constructive feedback. Some consumers are not early adopters because they prefer a smooth experience over a “buggy” one, but I happen to think it fun to be part of the “ironing” process.

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