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Taiwan market: PChome halts operation of fixed-charge SkypeOut services due to abuse

PChome Online, the Taiwan operating agent of Skype, on August 21 announced it has temporally halted the operation of its Taiwan Go and Asia Go fixed-price SkypeOut pricing schemes because some users have been abusing the service.

The Taiwan Go pricing scheme allowed SkypeOut calls to fixed-line telephone numbers in Taiwan at a fixed monthly fee of NT$89 (US$2.80) for up to 10,000 minutes, or to mobile phones in Taiwan at a rate of NT$189 for up to 200 minutes.

The Asia Go scheme allowed calls to either fixed-line or mobile phones in China, Hong Kong and Japan at a fixed monthly fee of NT$189 for up to 200 minutes.

However, PChome observed significant levels of abuse for the services with many users sharing accounts among friends and family, and some were even sub-letting accounts for use by others, contrary to the terms service.

Due to the large volumes of unreasonable usage, Skype asked PChome to stop the operation of Taiwan Go and Asia Go which it did in mid-June and late July, respectively, PChome explained.

PChome continues to operate Global Go (which allows calls to fixed-line numbers in 35 countries plus calls to mobile phone numbers in five countries at a fixed monthly fee of NT$389 for up to 10,000 minutes). PChome plans to revise the pricing for the Taiwan Go and Asia Go services before resuming operations, the company pointed out.


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