Monday, March 17 2025

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Fast, Simple, Finger-Friendly Soft Onscreen Keyboard

•The Cliquick technology doubles the typing speed on mobile devices by combining an innovative keyboard layout with dynamic software to effectively converge a phone keypad and a full keyboard to fit elegantly within size constraints of a traditional mobile device.
•Current mobile text-entry solutions are either slow (phone keypad) complicated (T9) or inconvenient (bulky full keyboards with tiny keys) resulting in low usage and low adoption rate of data-services.
•While the mobile messaging generated $130B in 2008 (Portio Research) The GSM Association estimates a 25% increase in SMS traffic upon introduction of an improved typing method (
•Cliquick is the fastest and simplest mobile text-input solution for mobile devices, inspiring users to explore and enjoy all the features and services the device has to offer: email, IM, internet, sms...
•100% faster than the traditional Multitap phone keypad
•50% faster typing than Multitap within an hour of texting
•70% of text requires only a single tap to enter
•Quick symbol entry without changing modes
•Faster than any Semi-Qwerty / SureType keyboards

•Large stylus free thumb-friendly keys
•Customizable skin sizes and formats
•Additional valuable screen space
•One-handed or two-handed operation

•Supports 100 languages, more than any other keyboard
•English, Russian, Hebrew, French, Korean, Portuguese…
•Full support to Latin and Cyrillic based diacritic languages

Full Landscape Keyboard
•Innovative full landscape keyboard with optimally placed large keys 25% bigger than in comparables
•3 or 4 lines customizable skins
•Additional valuable screen space
•Fast Numeric and symbol entry without switching screens
•Self explanatory and functions just like the standard phone-keypad.
•Virtually no learning curve; five sentences to master
•Improved feedback – Visual, Sound and Vibration
•Optionally works with the "Word Auto-Completion" feature to suggests words as you type

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