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UBS predicts an increase in the number of tablets and a reduction in the PC market

UBS analyst Maynard Um (Maynard Um) has published a new forecast for the computer market in 2011. Earlier assumption figures have undergone significant change. Supplies of tablets now are not expected 55 million units, and up to 60 million, with growth forecast is provided exclusively sales of Apple. Forecast for it was increased from 32.3 million to 39.9 million tablets of pieces, that is, it will account for almost two thirds of all sales in this segment. At the same time was revised in favor of reducing and forecast for PC growth in the market which will be at 6.3%, while only 4.5%. This is due not only popular with tablets, but the fact that beyond the business sector market is almost no growth. was changed, and the forecast for next year. Sales of tablets now are not ranked at 80, and 90 million units, of which the share of Apple iPad will have 53 million or 59% of the market. The problems of the PC market due to the fact that in a very precarious position were netbooks. Were dynamically developing area has lost its appeal. This is due to the fact that for the amount for which you can buy a netbook, there are alternative plates, hardly inferior in performance, but winning in mobility. If someone requires a productive platform, we can find a budget laptop, which is somewhat in size and losing weight is actually already full-fledged computer with no discounts. As a result, this has reduced in recent years the profitability of the netbook market by 40%.

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