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In the Android Market is laid widget Yandex.News

Most recently released a new mobile version Yandex.News - specifically for smart phones based on Android and the iPhone. Now developers will be pleased with news of the owners of Android once again, in Market posted Yandex.News widget . He came in two formats - compact (1x4): and "all-wheel drive» (4x4): Each version has its advantages. In a compact version of the widget takes up less space, and headers are displayed at a time. In an extended version appears as five major news of the day, and you can choose topics that interest you. For each country (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan) their news. Choose a country can be configured widget. In the setting of the same "big" widget, you can choose what news to show the city immediately after the heading "Main." News updated around the clock - 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Last update time specified on the widget. Clicking on the headline news, the user gets to the mobile version of News, adapted for Android, which will be able to learn the details of the plot.

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