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Yandeks.Pochta recall events from a letter by SMS

Yandex company made ​​convenient innovation in its service Yandeks.Pochta. The service is now able to isolate events of letters like "invite you for an interview on April 23 at 17:00, Lev Tolstoy Str., 16", "Let's meet with you tomorrow and popem tea?" and so on. Upon receipt of such letters Yandeks.Pochta offers one-click to create a reminder that will come to the mobile phone via SMS. If the address in the letter, then Yandeks.Pochta show and a map to help you find a meeting place. Now the algorithm to determine the events bound Yandex.Mail address and name of the event, they must be in the same sentence - for example, "Seminar" Fast food "will be held May 15, 2013 at 19:00." If, however, they are in different sentences - "Seminar" Fast food "held on May 15. Seminar starts at 19.00", the algorithm will respond only to the name of the event. The properties of the other offer will go unnoticed. The company promises to work on the quality and accuracy of the event: to train the algorithm new words, sentences, and structures of speech, from which you can select the event.

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