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Apple stresses cost reduction for iPhone 3G, teardown reveals

The new iPhone 3G sports an evolutionary design that favors cost reduction instead of cutting-edge features, supporting Apple's goal of expanding its market share and achieving a worldwide presence for the product, according to a physical teardown analysis conducted this weekend by iSuppli.

iSuppli's Teardown Analysis Service on July 11 obtained an iPhone 3G and commenced a dissection in order to identify component suppliers, as well as to determine preliminary part and system costs.

Per the teardown analysis and subsequent examinations by analysts, iSuppli has issued a preliminary estimate of US$174.33 for initial production costs for the 8Gbyte iPhone 3G. This figure consists only of the iPhone 3G's combined Bill of Materials (BOM) and manufacturing expenses. The total doesn't include other costs, including software development, shipping and distribution, packaging and miscellaneous accessories included with each phone.

iSuppli's cost estimate is nearly identical to the US$173 BOM predicted in iSuppli's virtual teardown issued to the public in late June.

Cost considerations rule in new iPhone

At US$174.33, the BOM and manufacturing cost of the new iPhone is markedly less than the US$227 that iSuppli estimated for the first-generation, 8Gbyte 2G iPhone in June 2007. While using a new design, the iPhone 3G really represents a refinement of the original iPhone 2G, according to iSuppli.

"The addition of 3G wireless capability represents an evolutionary design step for the iPhone, not a revolutionary one," said Andrew Rassweiler, teardown services manager and principal analyst at iSuppli. "iSuppli believes Apple aimed for a more cost-effective design for the 3G iPhone compared to the 2G, in order to lower the retail price, which will allow the company to seed adoption and to capture maximum market share now while the company still has buzz and a perceived differentiation relative to its competitors."

The iPhone 3G's use of an Infineon Technologies AG baseband chip that supports the HSDPA, WCDMA and EDGE air standards, plus the integration of three separate TriQuint Semiconductor tri-band WCDMA Power Amplifier Modules (PAMs), reflects the fact that the iPhone 3G is suited for sale worldwide.

Infineon takes key baseband slot

Infineon was the big winner in the key baseband section of the iPhone 3G torn down by iSuppli, contributing its HSDPA/WCDMA/EDGE chip that includes dual ARM926 and ARM7 microprocessor cores.

Solely-sourced items include Infineon's baseband solution, RF transceiver and Global Positioning System (GPS) devices; Samsung Electronics applications processor integrated with Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM); Marvell Technology WLAN device and Cambridge Silicon Radio's (CSR's) Bluetooth chip.

Multi-sourced items include Toshiba Corp.'s 8Gbyte NAND flash memory chip. Apple's other likely sources for this part include Samsung.

Design insights

Other observations made by iSuppli's analysis team include the redesigned internals of the iPhone 3G include only one large Printed Circuit Board (PCB), instead of the two nested PCBs found in the 2G version. The iPhone 3G uses a 10-layer board, compared to the less-expensive six-layer PCBs commonly employed in mobile handsets. The battery is also not soldered into the iPhone 3G as it is done in the 2G, making it more serviceable.

Some chips have the Apple logo or are unmarked. Although iSuppli has been able to identify many of these parts and their true manufacturers by de-capping the chips and examining their dies, some devices remain unidentifiable at this time.

iPhone costs

Beyond the US$174.33 BOM and manufacturing cost of the iPhone 3G, Apple is spending an estimated US$50 on IP royalties per unit shipped. With the 8Gbyte version retail-priced at US$199, and the estimated US$300 subsidy paid by AT&T to Apple for each unit, Apple is selling the product at a price of $499, and spending $224.33 to produce each one. This gives Apple a BOM, manufacturing and royalty margin of 55% for each 8Gbyte iPhone 3G unit sold

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