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WiMAX modems and gateways to be 50% of WiMAX chipset market, says In-Stat

WiMAX modems and gateways will dominate the WiMAX chipset market, representing nearly 50% of the market in 2013, according to In-Stat. Other key equipment segments for WiMAX chipsets include external modules, mobile PCs, base stations, handsets and other portable devices. Overall, In-Stat expects WiMAX chipset revenues to reach US$291 million by 2013.

"WiMAX is not a mere niche technology to fill a void until LTE is up and running, but a complementary solution for providing last mile wireless broadband access and a true mobile Internet solution," said Jim McGregor, In-Stat analyst. "WiMAX chipset technology has already moved beyond multiple chips to single chips solutions that integrate the baseband processor chip with the RF radio. A small group of semiconductor manufacturers have already emerged as leaders in this growing segment".

WiMAX chipset vendors Beceem, GCT, Intel, and Sequans have emerged to lead the market, added In-Stat.

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