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Microsoft employee was fired for disclosing information about smartphones Nokia

One of the employees of Microsoft, engaged in the development of smartphones based on operating system Windows Phone 7 was dismissed from office for divulging confidential information. Joe Marini (Joe Marini), who served as program manager, was fired after published with his Twitter account: "I just got a chance to try one of the most stylish phones Nokia, out of all that I've seen. Soon you too can! "As it turned out, this record has not been resolved by the company management and conflict with NDA agreement. Thus, Microsoft has demonstrated its commitment to follow the agreements not to disclose information about products under development, even if it was true of other companies' products. At the same time, this record was hardly able to do any damage to the reputation of Nokia or its smartphones, as neither the image nor the characteristics of the device it was, and is the work of Microsoft developing software for Nokia smartphones based on Windows Phone 7 not a secret. Moreover, despite the stated CEO Stephen Elop Nokia (Steven Elop) the privacy policy, leaks from within the Finnish company's happening regularly. And sometimes they "blame" the leadership itself, as is the case with the movie, showing Nokia Sea Ray. Therefore, most of the readers decided that Joe Marini also has authorization to post a new smartphone. Officially, Microsoft refused to disclose the reasons for dismissal of the employee, while not denying the fact of dismissal. In addition to the above record, Joe Marini wrote about unnamed smartphone from Nokia twice. Asked how he would have appreciated the phone on a 10-point scale: In general, I would say 8. Solid feel, good camera, responsive interface and some nice small touches in the design of the hull. " Later, adding the explanation why only 8 out of 10: "Yes, the camera was good, but I did not have the right light. I would like to display a little more. "

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