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Windows 8 will receive the same applications for h86/h64 and ARM

After the company held a public demonstration of Microsoft's new operating system Windows 8 there was misunderstanding of how the software will work, provided that it supports the ARM architecture and h86/h64. It has been suggested that Microsoft will actually create two different operating systems, applications for which will not be repeated, and the interface is focused exclusively on the Metro in the use of tablet solutions. However, according to representatives of the resource, ZDNet, about anything like that, Microsoft did not say. The idea was that existing applications built for x86 architecture will not run on systems with ARM chips. But in Microsoft believe that the majority of developers, though faced with difficulties when recompiling the applications, but go for it. The same applies to your desktop-style interface, Metro or classic form. Both versions will be available on all types of systems. Applications for Windows 8, written in HTML5/JavaScript or C + +, C #, Visual Basic, as well as with the use of XAML, may be included in a "tile the desktop", but can also be used in classical form. That is, the company suggest that the separation of applications designed for tablet and desktop computers designed for will not happen. Thus any application can be designed to use interface Metro, but may at a classic look. Stringent requirements are not established, although it will be welcomed by the creation of universal application that would run with any kind of interface. However, in the store applications for Windows 8 will be available only application-oriented interface to use Metro. For the "desktop" applications there will only be available opportunity reports of the existence of such an application. A application for Metro can be download, test, install. In this licensing is tied to the account, rather than a specific computer - the application can be installed on five different machines.

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