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Samsung Electronics to Supply 4x4 MIMO in Fourth Quarter

LTE is going to evolve by one step.
‘4x4 MIMO’ technology that doubles speed is going to applied to LTE network of mobile telecommunication businesses. This is a speed that can download a 1GB movie in just 8 seconds. Depending on a schedule of supplying device chips, a generation of commercialization of 1Gbps is going to be opened in first half of next year at the earliest. Competitions between mobile telecommunication businesses on giga-level LTE are also going to be regularized.
‘4x4 MIMO’ technology that doubles speed is going to applied to LTE network of mobile telecommunication businesses.  Depending on a schedule of supplying device chips, a generation of commercialization of 1Gbps is going to be opened in first half of next year at the earliest.
<‘4x4 MIMO’ technology that doubles speed is going to applied to LTE network of mobile telecommunication businesses. Depending on a schedule of supplying device chips, a generation of commercialization of 1Gbps is going to be opened in first half of next year at the earliest. >
Depending on telecommunication industry on the 22nd, Samsung Electronics is going to provide base station software that supports both 4x4 MIMO and 3-Band CA at the same time to mobile telecommunication businesses in fourth quarter. MIMO is MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) antenna system. 4x4 MIMO doubles speed of processing data by increasing number of receiving and transmitting antennas to 4 for current 2x2 MIMO.


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